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2412 Strilaxis 2, Daleth

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2412 Strilaxis 2, Daleth

Reeca resisted the urge to roll her eyes as June caught up to her at the edge of the pavement. The sun bore down on them, making Reeca regret ever agreeing to Vikara's plan of dressing them up as human Nobles. Sweat beaded on her forehead and poured down her back and she couldn't do anything to wipe them away.

June's leather shoes clacked against the cobblestones as he shifted his weight from one foot to another. He muttered a string of curses. Reeca sighed. She felt like cursing too. With her toes jammed into flat, leather shoes notches smaller, pain throbbed in her ankles and shins every time she took a step. An irrational part of her feared that she wouldn't have toes after this whole endeavor was done.

"When would that ride get here?" June pushed his dark hair out of his eyes. Vikara had insisted that he dye his hair a more human-like color to avoid being noticed. After a period of whining and cursing, June chose black.

It took Reeca a long time before she could get used to her companion. If anything, she could misplace him in a crowd of bustling humans and she wouldn't bother finding him.

"Vikara did say the carriage will get here some time soon," Reeca glanced at the timeteller Vikara gave her. It didn't possess the normal quarters. Instead, the hands simply ticked closer and closer to a set groove pointing north. That's how much time they have left.

June tugged at his suit's sleeves, cursing everything from the length, the color, and the cloth it was made from. "Have you seen this material?" he waved his arm in Reeca's face. "I could weave something better than this!"

"Then why did you not weave it yourself, hmm?" Reeca snapped, slapping June's arm away. It was a hassle speaking in Ylanenla, too. Such a simple language for a simple set of people. Sadly, they have to do everything they could to not stick out of the crowd if they were to make it inside the Royalty region.

June crossed his arms and muttered under his breath something about graspel in Noble's clothing. Reeca rolled her eyes for real.

The plan was simple enough. Ride a carriage towards the Palace in the guise of attending a delegation meeting, sneak inside the Palace and into the dungeons. Hopefully, if the Draswists were still there, sneak them back out, and be done with it. Everybody won if everyone was happy.

Dread curled in her gut. Anything could go wrong from here. Planning has its joys but Reeca wasn't thrilled now that she was in the middle of enacting it. She clasped her clammy hands in front of her. They itched for the pommel of her trusty sword.

A four-legged animal with a brown coat brayed as it cantered to where Reeca and June stood. Having spent some time in Cardina, Reeca learned its name to be dagrine. Kind of like the ones they use in Narfalk but with lesser horns and tamer disposition.

A stout man seated at the coach dropped to the ground, the twin tails of his suit flapping with the motion. He tipped his rimmed, black hat at them.

"Royalty region?" the man scratched his dark beard and jerked his head towards the waiting carriage.

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