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the two girls set off for nikis house, which was not too far from the community house. though air not full of conversation, the sounds of their shoes hitting the wooden path and the wind through the trees was enough.

many of the builds she was seeing were brand new to her, and amazed her in every way possible.

after passing the small bamboo area, a few houses, and a couple incredible structures, they arrived at nikis flower shop.

the keys jingled when they were pulled from nikis coat pockets and shoved into the lock on the door.

giovanna gave a nod as if to say 'thank you' and followed niki up the stairs into the living quarters above the shop.

the woman gestured to a guest room for the younger, silently telling her that was the place she was going to be staying.

contemplating for a few moments, having a small internal battle with herself, giovanna walked forward and wrapped her arms around niki, embracing her in a warm, thankful hug.

niki gratefully accepted it and they stayed for a few seconds before letting go and giving small smiles to one another. the girls parted ways and entered their respective rooms.

once she had gotten settled, giovanna plopped down on the fluffy couch right next to the window and looked out, seeing the sun set for the very first time. it was something constantly taken for granted and never fully appreciated, but to a fresh set of eyes, it was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.

she found herself growing more exhausted by the minute and changed into a pair of pajamas, getting ready to go to bed. finding herself needing to use the restroom, she opened the door out of her room and went into the room in between hers and nikis.

as she stepped through the doorframe from the bathroom after relieving herself, the curiosity got the better of her and she peeked into nikis room.

giovanna furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of niki stepping into a large tank, filled to the brim with what she was forced to bathe in earlier.

she wondered why anyone would want to stay in it, let alone be near it.

'maybe it doesn't sting when they touch it like me' she figured.

shaking the thought out of her head, she crawled under the covers of the bed and drifted off to sleep.


bright light flooded her eyelids from the window in her room and awoke her. she wiped her eyes of the remaining sleep and walked int the small bathroom connected to the bedroom.

looking around, the girl made eye contact with herself in an oval- shaped mirror. she examined all along the rim, seeing the gorgeous blue stones that lined it, before looking back at herself.

giovanna had never really seen her reflection clearly before, only vague version of it from looking at a gold block or something of the sort.

she studied each wave in her hair, each hint of color in her eyes, each detail of her face which was something that held elegant beauty unknowingly.

deciding not to contemplate too much on her appearance, she walked down the stairs of the small loft and met up with niki in the kitchen.

upon just noticing the young girl, niki let out a small yelp of surprise and passed her a small stack of folded clothes, silently signaling for her to change clothes.

giovanna walked back up the stairs quickly and laid the clothes on the small bedside table. she pulled on the fresh set of under-garments, a mid shin-length skirt, a white shirt that preceded the corset, and a pair of black boots before heading to the lower level once more.

the young girl hadn't seen niki this time, so she assumed she went out. after a few moments of debating, she decided to go out on her own and explore the land.

doing just that, she opened and shut the oak-made door behind her and followed on a wooden path. she took every detail in of the ambiance around her; the leafy trees and the green of the grass, to the tall sky-reaching bamboo and the trickling of water from small rivers nearby.

being completely encapsulated with everything, she came soon a small shack built into a mountain. giovanna peered as far as she could see each way from the fork in the road before turning right and going through a tunnel.

emerging from the passage, her vision taking in all the land she could see for miles. the tops of trees, the sides of mountains, and the vast blue sky slightly overwhelmed her. eventually her gaze rested on tall, black walls. acting off intuition and curiosity, the young girl trotted down the wooden steps and approached the entrance.

giovanna crept in cautiously, but before she could get a good look around, a taller figure came from outside her vision and her back was slammed against the wall.


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