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day came as fast as the night went and both girls whom had been living together the past two days were dressed and cleaning up after breakfast.

niki informed giovanna about their plans for the day, showing her around l'manburg and the towns area around it. since the moment she woke up, niki couldn't stop smiling at the thought of someone who had become a younger sister to her, meeting all the other members who were as close as family to her.

ever since niki's sister passed away, there was a hole in her heart that pained her every day to feel, possibly explaining the sudden closeness between the two girls. it was now common knowledge that giovanna was looking for her own older brother, so they found a place in their hearts for eachother. giovanna had never had a mother nor a friend making this experience all very new for her.

the duo packed up a small bag and around twenty minutes later, they were off to meet up the other citizens of the free nation.

en route, niki explained many of the builds they passed by and their history to it, giovanna picking up few key words but overall getting the idea.

being thrown into an entirely different world was still jarring for the young girl, though being used to sudden changes in par of her origin.

all she could think about was how little her life held, same things day after day but not knowing any different, she continued on. coming to the overworld, she noticed the amount of events that took place in her daily life became so much greater.

the oh-so-familiar walls came into view once more, this time being accompanied by niki while walking down the stairs.

the open entrance held the same inviting aura to it, yet giovanna couldn't help but look both ways before she entered making sure no one was going to jump out at her.

after she established that the coast was clear, she strolled right on in with niki by her side and a pleasant smile resting on her lips.

"ah, welcome welcome ladies!" wilbur greeted as soon as they walked in. wilbur was someone who giovanna immediately took a liking to, for some unknown reason, and the feelings were mutual.

with tommy on his trail, he jogged up and also greeted the two warmly.

"giovanna" he smirked confidently, nodding in her direction.

she rolled her eyes yet chuckled at his antics, silently wondering what changed, making him go from awkward to confident overnight. nonetheless, she played along, smirking "tommy" causing blush to creep along his cheeks.

interrupted by the two adults laughing at tommy's red face, a third came into view. he looked quite interesting, making him stand out from the rest. an orange fluffy tail leading behind him and two foxlike ears sprouting out of his sandy hair. the strange bit was he had completely human hands and face.

"i'm fundy, nice to meet you" he introduced right off the bat, knowing this would be the first she's heard of him.

"i'm giovanna, likewise" a random sort of paternal pride bloomed in nikis chest, a foreign feeling to her. she figured it was maybe because she had been somewhat of a protective figure to her.

the two gave well acquainted smiles and set off to the towns area where the marketplaces and meetings took place.

they walked side by side falling into light conversation, wilbur and giovanna finally starting one of their own.

"vanna, if you don't mind me calling you that" he sidetracked, to which she nodded in confirmation "it's a bit early for this but i was wondering where you stand with your alliances" he attempted to keep within her vocabulary.

"i would like to be with l'manburg, if you don't mind" she spoke eloquently.

"very good" he relieved, a weight lifting off his chest. he would hate it if she had to be against her in the future, the wound of the last war still healing.

"she's in l'manburg?" tommy asked, hope evident in his voice.

"yes tommy" wilbur chuckled deeply, intuition telling him that tommy may feel something towards giovanna, though only  knowing her for a few days.

"who is fundy to you" she then questioned, curious of how the two could be related.

"oh!" he was slightly surprised by the upright question, nonetheless giving her a genuine answer "he's my son"

giovanna must have given a confused face because he further explained "i had a partner a while back who was part fish and could only live at sea, slightly similar to niki. possibly some recessive gene passed down and he turned out as a fox. she passed away a while ago and i've moved on. i may have my eyes on someone new" his gaze shifted over to niki who was in an animated conversation with tommy, leaving fundy laughing along.

"i see" a knowing smile spread across her face. a large town came into view ending their short walk. people trailing the stone roads, talking contentedly amongst themselves.


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