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a groan escaped giovanna's lips as she gained consciousness. her whole body ached. she knew she shouldn't have pushed herself as much as she did. just like that, the patches of memories from the night before flooded her mind; appearing in flashes.

strangely enough, she wasn't in a panicked state, rather calm if anything; though she knew it was not genuine. the man who emerged in the final windows of memory made the young girls mind run wild, trying to decipher where she felt his familiarity.

as if her mind was being read, the very brunet stepped into the room carrying a tray of food and a warm smile. although wanting to return said gesture, she felt like she physically couldn't, so instead, she turned her head to stare out at the forest not to far away. the tall, leafy trees were becoming soaked from the pouring rain, giving a beautiful aura to the sight.

how she longed she could feel the cold droplets on her skin. her back on the drenched grass and her eyes watching the overcast sky move along as how it has done for eons.

but she knew she couldn't. and that was what pained her. the fact the the mere touch of water could sting her skin. she faced the kind man again after feeling her hunger grow, knowing he had food for her.

he gave a slight chuckle as he knew exactly what she wanted. handing the plate to her, she scarfed down the soup with a side of potatoes and gravy without hesitation. whilst wiping her mouth on her sleeve, she took the time to take in the cell around her. it wasn't too cramped, which was nice. in fact, the cell was quite generous for her being a hostage and all. the barred off window provided the majority of the light in the room, and was slightly assisted by the lanterns in the corners of the room.

the cot she was on had a quite thick comforter on it, which was currently resting on her lap since she was sitting upright on the bed. concluding that there were no other significant details of the cell other than the stone floor and walls, she glanced one more time at the rain.

"i can help you, you know" he informed, assuming the gold-locked girl sitting before him understood English. although she hardly knew any, she perked her head up at the word help.

"im george" the now, non nameless man identified himself. understanding he was making acquaintance with her, she stuck out her hand and offered her own name "giovanna"

"i have a favor i want to ask of you, giovanna" george proposed, making sure to keep his words within her vocabulary. "i will take you to feel the rain, if, and only if, you promise not to run" he emphasized.

his power being an enchanter with healing abilities, he had the capability to create potions from his finger tips. this is what made him such a powerful asset to dreams team. along with that power, he had the aptness to revoke the addition or subtraction said potion would give. if he played his cards right, he could even change the side effects of his brew.

so with his plan in mind, he ployed to give her the potion of water resistance, a rare and often unknown potion, and give her the opportunity to experience the downpour. he wasnt ill-intentioned, just trying to gain her trust. yet if she ran, he would enforce the potion changing ability of his and morph it into one of slowness, also taking away the affects of water resistance.

though giovanna already knew this, from vast studying in a bookshelf she found in a chest within a fortress, about a year ago.

with this knowledge, she made sure she wouldnt run, which also gave her the advantage of gaining his trust in return.

realizing she hadn't given an answer yet, giovanna nodded her head slowly.

a smile made its way onto george's lips and he stood. "alrighty then!" he said cheerily.

the brunet unlocked the cell door and held onto the chain connecting giovannas cuffs to make sure she didn't get away. as the two walked down the hall, george began gathering his energy to create the potion he promised the young girl.

the second they reached the door to the outside, george handed the goldette a small shot glass and held his pointer finger over it. from his very pores, a silvery purple substance was exuded.

the liquid filled the glass half way before halting its pour.

"here, take this in one gulp" he informed. giovanna completely clueless to his words, had to think back in her memory to the books she read about this type of brew, eventually getting to (and following) the same instructions george gave a few moments ago.

once she got every drop down her throat and made eye contact with george once more, before receiving a small nod from him, informing  her she was ready.


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