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gentle, upbeat music played in the background, a band playing in a small gazebo at the town square.

new sights engraved themselves in giovannas head, causing a yearning feeling to see more. tommy looked over watching his friends' face morph into one of awe, not realizing the look of endearment had taken over his complexion.

unfortunately for tommy, wilbur caught him sneaking looks at her and nudged him, causing him to look up. no words were exchanged but through the looks that were shared wilbur found that he was drawn to her in some way or another.

"we should probably get something to eat, it's around lunch time" niki suggested, interrupting the train of thought the two boys were sharing. the rest of them nodded in agreement and they set off.

"ah! tubbo!" tommy shouted a few moments later, seeing his friend in the crowd with a sack of apples over his shoulder.

'tubbo' speed-walked over to the five after being called. noticing a new face, he cheerily introduced himself.

"hi, i'm toby but a lot of people call me tubbo" he stuck his hand out.

"i'm giovanna, but some call me vanna" she smiled kindly, shaking his hand.

"toby would you like to join us when we find a place to have lunch" fundy invited.

"i'm afraid i'll have to decline big man, i've got to go feed my sheep" tubbo gestured to the sack of apples he was carrying.

"have fun, see you" niki waved and parted ways again. whilst walking, someone caught her eye from afar.

they had a strange mask covering their face, almost eerie in a way. a dead animals skull would have that effect, though. a light, faded pink shade of his hair made him stand out in the large crowd; the strands being pulled into a gently made plait down his back, reaching his tailbone.

"how about here" nikis light voice broke giovanna out of her stare. the restaurant only had a few people and seemed like the perfect place for the five to eat at.

the hanging pots overflowing flowers made the place carry such a comforting feeling. giovannas eyes followed the vines that hung on the walls and ceiling of the warm down yet inviting cafe. once they all sat down, a woman roses in her hair and twined around her body walked up to ask about their meal choices only to head back to the kitchen once more.

with meals eaten and content feelings in their chests, the group left the diner. giovanna kept standing on her tip toes, yearning to see the person in the boar skull mask once more; another new and exciting thing that piqued her interest.

the wisest idea would probably to mind her own business and stay with the group but her curiosity got the best of her and her hand slipped out of tommy's.

preoccupied, she slowly began getting further and further from the others who weren't paying attention at the moment.

giovanna caught another flash of pink and pushed her way though the crowd to reach it, taken over by a drive to see under the mask.

"guys?" tommy asked, his hand feeling empty and colder than before "where is she?". he silently scolded himself for caring this much but he couldn't help and feel an attachment to her.

niki looked around calmly, confident she was going to rest eyes on her somewhere near by and after a few moments, she grew more and more panicked. the young woman then began pushing others out of the way searching for the young girl, calling her name.

giovanna, too far away now to hear nikis yells, had followed the masked person into the forrest next to the town square.

dusk had began to set across the sky, painting it with a beautiful mix of oranges and pinks.

"good afternoon" a monotone voice spoke causing giovanna to slowly turn around, cautious.

"hello, who are you?" she promptly asked, making the person look around, searching for possibly witnesses before reaching behind his head and unclipping the porcelain mask that covered their upper face.

he lowered it steadily revealing brilliant camellia-colored eyes, not unlike his hair. he then leaned down slightly to meet her gaze.

"you're the same as i, yes? one can always sense a closely located origin" he spoke in piglin, then explaining after he saw her questioning face.

"i sensed a slight similarity, but i wasn't sure..." she spoke uncertainly, still somewhat baffled that there was someone alike her.

"are you of blaze descendent?" he asked, slightly hopeful. he had been looking for someone pass his talents to. he had recently gained too many enemies and was unsure of how much longer he could go before someone sprang on him when he was least prepared.

"i am, are you piglin?" giovanna confirmed, asking one of her own.

"be careful, you don't know how valuable are. if you are ever in danger, i will come find you." he advised before throwing a small, blue-green orb into the distance and vanishing.

the young girl finally came to her senses and began walking the way she came, using her natural talent of navigation to her advantage, though completly unaware of another set of eyes on her.


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