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after giovanna received the nod from george, she took a deep breath and pushed open the heavy iron door.

she only took one step, still remaining under the overhang, before sparing a last, nervous glance at the man behind her, and walked out into the rain.

giovanna didn't really know what she was expecting, probably the outcome of last time she was in the rain, but this experience was completely different.

this time, the rain was warm, almost humid. in fact, even the air around her felt warmer than before, to where she was completely comfortable. something clicked in her head.

"maybe the potion made me immune to ALL moisture in the air, making my environment warmer as well" she thought.

although this was a beautiful moment for the young girl, she had to keep her new mission in mind- get back to niki.

ever since she found an older sister in niki, she had almost completely forgot about her brother.

him being her only family, she somewhat looked at him through rose-colored glasses, meaning she never really took a second to think about what he's done in the past and if he is genuinely a good person. however now she's met so many other to compare him to, she began questioning her original quest.

the sudden weight of her long, wet hair being completely soaked brought her back to the moment, joy filling her once more.

'while im able to, might as well enjoy it, right?'


about an hour passed and the rain had become colder and colder within seconds, informing her that her time was up.

giovanna, still being full of excitement and energy, she happily ran to the door to enter the captive cottage once more.

seeing george standing right in the frame, holding the door open, she jogged tight through the doorway and engulfed george in a big hug while thanking him profusely.

'perfect... just play the role of a bubbly, stupid little girl who just felt rain for the first time'

she was sixteen for gods sake, she wasn't just going to lay down and let george and his two other accomplices keep her forever.

he happily received her hug, just glad he did something that didn't harm someone for once.

the two shared a laugh at just how soaked giovanna was, and the brunet man brought her upstairs to the large bathroom where she would be instructed to take a shower, however to her liking, to warm herself up.

"thank you" she smiled, and watched george's face show slight surprise at her speaking a few english words fluently.

just as he was about to speak up, she gently shut the door and locked it before beginning her shower.

honestly this whole ordeal turned out better than she expected, it was surprising just how kind they were being to her.

turning around, she looked for anything in the room that would look remotely sharp, strong, and small to keep in her pocket, while turning the shower on to heat up, and also block the sound of her rummaging through the cabinets.

after a few minutes, she found a pair of tweezers, and stowed them away in her bra, a place where she knew none of the men would search.


about a week had passed and she had quickly gained the trust of the three main captors, mainly by playing dumb and soft.

she genuinely thought theyd be smarter that this, and wouldn't be falling for her facade. yet here she was, two of the captors sitting at a table with her and serving her a large amount of food.

giovanna knew that if she had acted like herself and had not used 'doe eyes' every time anything got remotely difficult, she would not be living the comfortable life outside the basement.

though she was now running into a large problem. she had no idea how much longer she could keep this up, and she wished she had an opening to escape the little cottage, where it rained 24/7.

she also noticed recently how she has been getting more and more surges of energy, and no proper outlet to release it from. maybe she was getting antsy, but she knew there was something happening on the outside that she needed to be apart of. it was almost as if she could feel nikis sorrow with her being gone as long as she has been.

giovanna decided that on that very night, she would escape. it shouldn't be that hard, but she knew that they would always some and find her again, and wouldn't be so nice about it.

there were nights where she would feel her entire being, become a sort of hot box, and nearly blow the place up. any little emotion would trigger the same response, and there had been so many close calls where george and nicolas have almost noticed. they would for sure keep her locked down completely if they knew she had any chance of leaving.

it was currently night, she was locked in her cell once more, with a singular lantern illuminating a distant corner. giovanna laid on the cold floor, in hopes she would cool her body down like she has for the past few nights. she already knew she couldn't even stand another hour in this basement, or things were going to go to hell.

instead of letting emotions overtake her, she fished the tweezers out of the inner-corset pocket, and unlocked her cuffs.

the young girl proceeded to melt the bars with her fingertips easily, due to being already worked up, and slipped out of her cell.

since she had practically memorized the sleeping schedules of two out of the three captors, she was sure she could just slip out the front door. by then, the only problem she would run into would be the rain, but she figured she could get far enough to find at least someone who was from l'manburg.

her bare feet gently creeped up the steps and out of the celler, allowing her to exhale a breath of relief. now all she had to do was turn the corner and make it out the front door.

easy, right?



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