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the young girl took in a sharp gasp of air as her back hit the hard wall and a cold, sharp metal pressed against her neck.

upon reflex, she started shoving and fighting vigorously, causing the other to press the sword further into her throat, nearly drawing blood.  being the persistent girl she is, giovanna fought and fought until she couldn't.

struggling to breathe now, her gaze darted up, her golden-brown eyes meeting brilliant blue ones. examining his features, she studied everything from his long yellow locks, to the light freckles dusted across his cheeks, and eventually down to his lips. she could feel his breath on her face from the closeness but then sudden shouting brought her out of her gaze.


he was quickly cut off by the smaller girl regained strength and gave a hard shove on his chest, attempting to get out from being sandwiched between his body, his blade and the wall. he had to admit, it took him by surprise, but he pushed her back nonetheless and returned his sword to the bare skin of her neck, digging it deeper than before; completely forgetting common courtesy he was supposed to show towards women.

giovanna could feel her body heat up- now becoming aware of the chaos that would ensue if she didnt calm herself. she didn't want to hurt him but if he didn't let her go she would have to result to those measures. instead, she swiftly brought her knee to his groin, causing him to stumble back and fall to the floor, groaning in pain.

interrupting the situation before it got worse, a tall man came up from behind questioning in his booming voice "tommy! what are you doing?!" before connecting eyes with her, peering questionably at her shaking her head at herself.

tommy had mostly recovered and stood from his curled up position in the grass, taking a deep breath before announcing;

"she just waltzed into l'manburg and she-" he cut himself off and glared at her. she stared right back at him and raised her eyebrows as if she was challenging him to go on with his 'blame game'. her expression nearly mocked his, only pissing him off further. the second he turned away, a small smirk appeared on her lips, somewhat satisfied for defending herself as well as she did.

"what's going on?" a new, gentle voice asked. the sight she entered to of giovanna smirking, tommy glaring, and wilbur slightly smiling, was definitely not promising.

"oh hi niki!" wilbur greeted warmly. "i'm pretty sure this young lady just kicked tommy in the balls" he explained, indifferent and giovanna slightly cringed at his blunt wording.

"oh" a slight giggle escaped her lips.

the sky became grayer by each passing second, causing all of them to look up in confusion and eventually giovanna felt light water droplets gently fall on her cheeks. a shiver ran through her body but looking around, everyone else seemed just fine, just slightly wet.

with only a matter of seconds the rain got heavier and heavier as the girl's body temperature began dropping exponetially. from the weather always being scorching in the nether, teleporting to the overworld could have possibly been the worst decision she could have made, biologically.

"come, let's go back to the community house." niki guided her, though knowing she doesn't understand, though nonetheless communicating.

it was now pouring and the four walked on the wooden pathway to the safe house of the land.

they emerged from the double door to the house, seeing alex with a mug of tea at the table. he turned to look at them and rushed to get cloths to dry them off.

now dry, they all sat at the table, the adults talking. tommy awkwardly looking at giovanna, then back at the table, in a never ending cycle, as if to say 'i'm sorry for slamming you into a wall' telepathically. although she thought he didn't, he saw out of the corner of his eye, her sparing a few glances at him every so often.

"giovanna" alex brought the girl in question out of her zoned-out state.

"yes alex?"

"giovanna" alex said in english for everyone at the table to hear. they all seemingly understood that giovanna was what she was called translated to english.

"say 'hello'"

"hello" giovanna recalled perfectly, alex's ability coming to show. the young girl looked around at everyone's faces, showing the same amount of surprise as hers.

"hello giovanna" niki was the first to reply, pleasantly surprised she was getting it only on her second day.

"we never asked if you wanted to go back, we just assumed you wanted to stay, we can take you back if you'd like" alex informally apologized.

"i quite like it here, it's very different. i would like to stay, as long as i'm welcome"

"that's good to hear, and you're absolutely welcome" the boy said, causing giovanna to smile and nod.

giovanna wasn't one to smile often, if that, a small one, but when she did, it always felt very genuine and warm.


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