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"where on earth have you been?!" niki exclaimed worriedly, wrapping her arms around giovanna and holding her.

"the pink man with the mask" she gestured to the forest.

"who?" tommy butted in. he found himself more annoyed than he should be, almost angry for no fathomable reason. instead of thinking about how he would act, he only became more upset. he supposed it didn't matter now that she was here with them but wilburs face held a different approach.

"techno" he whispered spitefully under his breath "maybe it's best if we just go home... it's been a long day" he then suggested.

"agreed, thank you wilbur" niki bid goodbyes and the two girls left towards the older's house.

"you really had me worried..." niki finally brought up, looking at giovanna with teary eyes.

"i'm sorry niki" she apologized with sincerity and guilt blooming into her chest. they embraced once more as niki unlocked the front door to let themselves inside.

they went to their rooms without another another word, and laid in bed, unknowingly thinking the same thing.

"love you niki" giovanna raised her voice slightly so niki could hear from the other room.

a faint giggle could be heard, followed by an "i love you too"


tossing and turning in her bed, giovanna remained restless, having an unknown need begging to be fulfilled.

frustrated, she got out of bed and trusted her gut, going wherever her body took her.

she walked down the stairs and found herself in front of the front door with an internal battle. deep down, she knew she probably shouldn't go outside in the middle of the night, but another part felt she should do whatever seemed right.

with a grimace on her face, giovanna opened the door and let the warm summer breeze blow through her hair.

the young girl seemed to know where she was going- being brought by solely intuition.

she soon had reached an intersection of four roads ahead of her, all leading to the housing made of bricks where she first stayed.

knowing she had to pass through the building to get to her destination, she opened the corner doors and stepped inside. unprepared to make any encounters with anyone that night, seeing a familiar face came into her view and spoke to her before she could rush out.

"hello giovanna, what are you doing awake at this time?" alex spoke up

"just out for a night time stroll" she replied in enderian, too lazy to rack her brain for english.

"in english" he tested. alex and giovanna had a strange friendship. at times they could be the best of friends, goofing and laughing about, but other times when alex genuinely wanted to help her, he pushed her limits.

"a night time walk" she tried again, just wanting to get to the place she was heading. alex seemed satisfied with the answer and gave her a nod signaling she could resume whatever she was up to.

giovanna spun around and went out the door leading to the south side, pushing open the door without a glance behind her.

somehow her brain knew what intentions she had better than she did, trusting intuition once more.

she climbed up a familiar staircase in a slight daze, common sense out the window and only impulse guiding her. her view came over the last few blackstone steps and peered at the mythical door she knew all too well.

it felt as though she wasn't even controlling her own body anymore, just aimlessly wandering to a final destination. stepping down into the divot of the floor and the frame of the portal standing strong around her. the very same demonic whispers and dizziness welcomed her once more, reminding her of the first she came into the over world.

the portal spat her out once she had been successfully been brought over to the other dimension, her eyes adjusting back to normal. the scorching air of the nether hugged giovannas body like a blanket, welcoming her to the "home" she left for a better one. although the nether was an environment and not a person, she still felt as though it were guilt tripping her into staying.

gaze falling on the lava pool in the short distance, her trance was soon broken from her half awake state. giovanna slowly felt panic and confusion rise in her chest while she fell out of her reverie and senses coming back to her. among the blaze and enderian there was a term for this sort of thing involving half breeds such as herself.

it was called the enderwalk, taking reference to the more common half breed producers. due to the fact that enderman sometimes spawn in the over world and usually stay up there, many have mixed children who later develop this mental addition. since giovanna was blazeborn and not enderian, she suffered the effects less.

if put in a situation with high stress and fear, though, enderwalk will take over the mind completely leaving the true inhabitant of the body to somewhat "sit back and watch" without any ability to interact. enderwalk forces the body to remain calm and emotionless until danger is no longer in need of being cautioned against. there would be times when it's helpful, but it usually ends in someone getting hurt.

when giovanna used her excess spare time before she had escaped, she had been doing mental exercises with herself in attempt to control the enderwalk at least a bit. this was one of those moments when she wished she hadn't forgotten about training herself, seeing that she had gone out in the middle of the night and returned to the nether, unaware.


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