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It's a nice peaceful day, the sun was out and there were barely any cloud in the bright blue sky. Jimin felt at peace after having a wonderful day at school, walking back home ready to be greeted by his lovely family. He wondered what will be made for supper and if he'll be able to hang out with some friends afterwards. Jimin did finish his homework at the library so there's a good chance his parents will let him go. Plus he's a senior in highschool, he should be allowed to do whatever he wants.

Anyways, he arrives at his nice house with a smile. But he spots an unfamiliar car in the driveway and that smile fades. Guessing it was just someone who parked in the wrong spot or a distant relative he ignores it and makes his way to the front door. He goes to open the door but it was locked. Jimin found it odd but still took out his house key and unlocked the door, thinking that maybe his little sister was playing with the lock again.

Then, as if in slow motion, he opened the door and immediately saw red. Red everywhere. As well as both his parents and his little sister either hung from the ceiling butchered up or stuck to the wall with huge knifes in them. He gasps in shock before screaming out Bloody Mary and falling to the ground terrified by the sight in front of him.

Next thing he knew at least 10 guys wearing terrifying masks over their faces rush over to him, making Jimin scream out again and try to get up to run away. They grab him before he could even try and pull him deep into the house, ripping his backpack off him as well as taking off his shoes and disposing his phone and anything that could be used against them as a weapon. Jimin screamed and cried for mercy, knowing for a fact that he was going to be equally as dead as his family.

However instead of feeling blades striking through his body he felt rope getting tied around his wrists that got brought behind him as well as rope tied around his ankles and thighs. Of course Jimin tries to fight them off, but heck it was ten full grown adult men who probably work out as a full time job so it was really no match for him. Suddenly a blindfold is tightly wrapped around his eyes and Jimin was just waiting for his death to happen any minute now. His heart was beating so fast with anticipation and his stomach flipped and turned and he just couldn't believe this was all happening.

Then he gets hit right in the head with something hard, making him think that this was it, this is the end of him, before falling unconscious.

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