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Jimin woke up to the sound of tv static and the smell of cigarettes and cologne. He slowly opens his eyes which was followed by a aching pain to his head. Surprisingly he wasn't tied up anymore, so he brings his hand to his forehead and rubs it. Since he was laying down on the ground too he props himself up and looks around at his surroundings. It looked like a simple, small living room with a small tv that had the static that he heard. A couch on the left, a light bulb hanging from the ceiling for light and windows hidden by dark curtains behind the couch.

He slowly sits up and keeps looking around just to hear a couple footsteps behind him. Jimin turns around quickly out of shock only to see a very tall and intimidating man looking right down at him with cold serious black eyes and a cigarette between his lips. Jimin looked at him up and down, he seemed so dangerous, covered in pitch black tattoos depicting death, Jimin could even spot a gun and knife in the pockets of his pants that where tight on his muscular thighs.

Hesitantly, Jimin looks back up at him, the man blows out a cloud of smoke before sighing and crossing his arms, "You must be park Jimin, hmm?" The man wonders in a deep soothing voice and Jimin only nods, too scared to use his voice. "I figured," the man says then steps closer to which of course Jimin backed away at. "Your father, mister Park, made a deal with me a while back," the man suddenly says as he brings the cigarette back to his mouth.

Jimin gulps and keeps backing away while the man kept walking closer, until he hit the wall and was stuck. "Wanna know what the deal was?" The man wonders as he smirked, smoke spilling out of his nose at the same time. Jimin curiously nods, because he never thought his dad would ever make a deal with someone that looks like the man in front of him. "We made a deal, that if in 5 years he can find my beloved little sister that disappeared that he promised he knew where she was too by the way, that I would spare his life and the imprisonment of one of his children and gift him half my money," the man explains. Things suddenly start to click and make sense in Jimin's head about the things he would hear his father discuss with his mother as well as how cautious and paranoid he always was when they went out for simple family get togethers.

"You should know with everything that happened that your father in fact did not find my little sister as well as lied to me about knowing her whereabouts," the man says, clenching his jaw as he got pissed just thinking about it. "Now I would've taken your little sister, but she was was too young for me, so I told my friendly friends to wait for your arrival and then bring you to me," the man explains and then crouches down in front of Jimin who pushes himself against the wall in fear while bringing his legs up to his chest.

The man snickers and puts the cigarette between his lips before aggressively grabbing Jimin's face, making him whimper out in return. "I'm certain I didn't make a mistake, you look just like your mom, and god was she a beautiful lady," he says and Jimin just looked away unsure, his breathing quick and his heartbeat unsteady. "You know if she wasn't dead I totally would've fucked her," the man adds and Jimin felt really uncomfortable now. The man chuckles then pulls Jimin's face closer to his while taking the cigarette away and blowing the smoke aside. Jimin hesitantly looked at him while grabbing his arm, he was really holding onto his face strongly.

"How old are you again? 17?" The man asks, Jimin hums quietly, "old enough," he says then lets go of Jimin's face while standing back up. "Listen up, you are in a room in my house, and you will stay in this room unless I let you out," the man says and starts walking away. "Don't even try to escape too, that won't end well for you at all," he says and arrives at a door that Jimin didn't even spot before. "Oh and, you do everything that I tell you to do, I'm your master from now on," he adds and Jimin looks up at him from the ground with big eyes.

"Got it?" He wonders and Jimin nods immediately. "Good, the couch reclines into a bed by the way, sleep well," the man says with an evil smile before opening the door and stepping out into a dark hallway. Jimin watches as he closed the door and then heard the sound of a lock getting locked. Jimin stands up and hesitantly walked over to the couch. He sits down on it then opens the curtains, looking outside only for his eyes to widen. He wasn't in a normal house or anything, no, he was so high up it felt as if he was in a tower. Jimin looked around more and realized that he was in a castle, a castle that probably got found and renovated into a livable building.

Jimin closes the curtains and then settles down on the couch only to think. He starts thinking about everything and all that the man told him. Did his father really make such a deal with him? Why would he do if it was all a lie? And put his whole family in danger? An imagine of his families decapitated bodies struck in his mind and he shudders. He really didn't like this and didn't know how what to do. Should he try to escape? He has no one to go to tho so there's no reason for him to get help. Plus he has a feeling if he does leave that bad, bad things will happen.

Namjoon walked down the dark hallway while finishing his cigarette before turning into his bedroom and closing the door with a sigh. He sets his cigarette down in one of his many ash trays and then walks over to his bed while getting rid of his belt and shirt. Then he turns on his tv and lets the new start to play.

"Just reported that the famous family of Parks were found brutally murdered and decapitated in their own house with their son nowhere to be found. The police are out on a search party and looking out for the missing son. If you spot a boy at the height of 5'4" and around 48-49kg with brown hair, eyes and full cheeks that looks around 16-17 years old please contact the police and keep an eye on the boy..."

Namjoon snickers and lays in bed, feeling glad that he finally got his revenge against Jimin's father and is going to torture and absolutely destroy one of his kids until he dies.

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