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[2 weeks later]
Namjoon distanced himself from Jimin as much as he could, leaving him locked up in the room with nothing. Yes there were many times where Namjoon wanted to go in the room and apologized but every time he arrived at the door he told himself he shouldn't apologize and that Jimin didn't deserve the apology.

Anyways, he can't hold back anymore. He unlocks the door and opens it, looking inside and seeing Jimin laid on the reclined bed, his back to him. Jimin hasn't moved spots ever since he got put on the bed, he slept the days away. Namjoon steps inside and closes the door before walking closer to the couch, sitting on the edge and gently putting his hand on Jimin's arm. Jimin tenses up at the touch of his big hand, his eyes wide with fear as he didn't know what was gonna happen.

Is he gonna get attacked again? Hurt again? Will Namjoon try to kill him again? Should he scoot away? Should he push him away? Jimin felt so scared he didn't even know how to think straight.

"How's your arm?" Namjoon then quietly asks. Jimin didn't know how to answer tho, and he was too scared to do anything so he stays quiet. Namjoon pushes onto Jimin's shoulder, making him lay on his back. Jimin looks up at Namjoon with wide eyes and Namjoon looked back with no expression. Namjoon gently grabs the bandaged arm and basically holds Jimin's hand, "does it hurt still?" He asks.

"W-Why do you care?" Jimin asks, wanting to cry. Namjoon looks away, sighing and then looking back at Jimin. "That doesn't answer my question," Namjoon says. Jimin didn't want to see or talk to Namjoon tho, he almost got killed by him. So he pushes him away and turns his back to him once more. "Jimin..." Namjoon says and tries turning Jimin back onto his back but Jimin scoots away and stays quiet. So Namjoon scoots closer and pulls him up so he sat up.

Jimin looks at Namjoon with teary eyes and Namjoon didn't know what to do so he hugs him. He pulls Jimin closer and tightly hugs him closely. This of course takes Jimin by surprise and he didn't really know how to react. Namjoon was being strange to him now. But he was still scared so he pushes Namjoon away and gets as far away as he could.

"Y-You almost killed me," Jimin says terrified and in tears. Namjoon clenches his jaw as he looked at him, "I know," he basically mumbles. "Why? I- I didn't do anything to you," Jimin sobs and Namjoon sighs, not ready to open up yet. So now he stays quiet, and Jimin waits for an answer. When Namjoon doesn't answer Jimin turns around, his back once more to Namjoon who sighs again.

He stands up and even tho he didn't want to leave Jimin he still does, leaving the room and locking the door. As he made his way to his room tho he felt so angry and pissed with himself, why did he let himself get feelings for Jimin so quickly? Why does he already have such a strong affect on him? It doesn't make sense! He's supposed to hate Jimin, not want to take care of him. He's probably been alone for too long now that he things about it.

Jimin in his room just keeps sobbing, holding his arm against his chest and slumping into the back of the couch. All he wanted was to hug his mom right now, she always gave the best hugs and he missed her so much. He still can't believe that she's dead, and his little sister and dad, all because of Namjoon.

[next morning]
Jimin wakes up to the sound of the door unlocking, and he opens his eyes before seeing Namjoon. He slowly sits up but Namjoon doesn't wait another second before picking him up. Jimin whines and freaks out a bit, trying to push him away but Namjoon holds him tightly with force.

"Let me go!" Jimin cries out, panicking a lot since he thought he was gonna get hurt. Namjoon doesn't say anything and just starts walking away while Jimin tries to get away from him, desperate tears rushing down his face. Namjoon ignores all of this and arrives at his bedroom before going to the bathroom. He sets Jimin down on the counter and then closes the door.

Jimin heavily breathed and looks around at the bathroom before quickly bringing his legs up to his chest as he looked at Namjoon. Namjoon gave him a little glare before pulling out the aid kit, "give me your arm," "No," Jimin immediately replies and Namjoon quirks his eyebrow. Jimin sniffles and turns away from Namjoon, still feeling so scared and sad about everything.

Gently Namjoon pulls Jimin closer and grabs his arms, "No-" "Jimin, don't make a fuss about this," Namjoon sternly cuts Jimin off and Jimin felt his heart stop a bit with fear. He gulps down his sobs and then turned his head away. Namjoon keeps his glare on him for a bit before pulling the arm closer and starting to get rid of the bandage.

He is very careful about it, and once the bandage was off he checks around and makes sure everything was healing well. He takes out a cloth and sets it under cold water before dabbing it onto the wound. Jimin holds his breath as it stung a bit, his hand turning into a fist. Namjoon goes even more carefully now, and after the cut was remotely clean he starts adding the healing cream to it. Then he grabs a new bandage and tightly, but not too tightly, wraps it around the wound.

After he finishes he steps closer to Jimin who hesitantly looked at him. "Are you still upset at me?" Namjoon wonders. "That's a dumb question," Jimin replies to which Namjoon sighed at. "Why?" He asks as if it wasn't all that obvious why Jimin was upset with him. "Y-You nearly killed me! And you got my whole family killed! And you left me alone, for two weeks! Of course I'm upset," Jimin says and crosses his arms. Namjoon nods as he should know this by now.

Jimin then pushes him away with his feet and hops off the counter, walking to the door and opening it. Namjoon stops him before he could leave tho, "remember that if your dumb dad didn't make the deal in the first place, you wouldn't be here," Namjoon reminds and Jimin furrows his brows as he turned and looked up at him. "Well if you didn't made him make the deal then this wouldn't happen," Jimin says thinking he was right.

"Your father came to me first Jimin, and he told me he would find my little sister, it's his fault he put your family in danger," Namjoon says and Jimin was shocked. He didn't show it tho, and he rips his arm out of Namjoon's grasp and starts walking back to his room. Namjoon lets him but follows behind so he can lock the door.

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