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[1 month later]
Jimin and Namjoon walked in the garden together, their arms interlocked and a smile on both their faces. Things were really going well, Namjoon never laid a finger on Jimin but he was close to doing so a couple times. Their relationship isn't perfect all the time of course, but moments like now are the ones that count, not the fights. Plus, every time a fight did happen, Jimin made sure Namjoon didn't go off to drink and kept him in the room they were in. He also helped him calm down which Namjoon really appreciates even tho he doesn't express it.

But throughout the month, Jimin felt his little feelings to Namjoon grow, and started to be more comfortable around him. He felt like if things were going a bit too fast but at the same time he liked how fast it was going. Jimin liked it when Namjoon hugged him randomly or when he kisses his cheek and his face goes red. It made him laugh and Namjoon really wanted to work on not turning into a tomato every time Jimin simply kisses him. Anyways, they keep walking down the garden and then Namjoon picks up one of the flowers before handing it to Jimin. Jimin smiles and grabs it while leaning his head against Namjoon's bicep. It felt as if they were in peace and didn't have to worry about anything.

[next day]
Jungkook walks up to the castle, and by the way he got the chance to escape Taehyung a while back, but he was planning on showing Namjoon the new design that one of the members made for a gun when he hears a car approaching. He looks back and sees Taehyung getting out of the car, so Jungkook speeds inside the castle and closes the door. "BOSS!" He yells out panicked and Namjoon who was showing Jimin some treasure in the attic hears him surprisingly.

"Stay here," Namjoon says and quickly rushes down to the main level of the castle. However when he arrives, Taehyung already had Jungkook down in his arms. "Yah! Let him go!" Namjoon yells and then kicks Taehyung as hard as he could in the side. Taehyung groans out in pain and lets go of Jungkook who quickly rushes away.

But then Namjoon hears steps approaching him from behind and he quickly takes out his gun before pointing it behind him. When he turns to see who it is he is met with Hoseok smiling evilly at him. "What do you want?" Namjoon asks. "Have you perhaps seen Jimin?" Hoseok asks and Namjoon being smart knows exactly how to play this off.

"No you dumbass, don't you think I would know that you took Jimin 3 months ago?" Namjoon replies and Hoseok hums. "Well I don't have him anymore," Hoseok says and Namjoon looks at him a bit surprised. "Where is he?" Namjoon asks as if he didn't know. "How about we make a deal," Hoseok says and Namjoon rolls his eyes. Hoseok always had a deal to be made. "What?" Namjoon asks annoyed.

"If you find Jimin first, Then me and Taehyung will leave you alone with Jimin, as well as Jungkook—" "but-" "Taehyung, shh," Hoseok cuts Taehyung off and Taehyung crosses his arms while looking away pissed. "And if you find him first?" Namjoon asks and Hoseok smiles. "Then I get him, or you could also kill me but I doubt you'd find him before I do," Hoseok says rather confidently.

Namjoon smiles widely, and he loads his gun, "what if I told you that Jimin is here, hmm?" Namjoon asks and Hoseok scoffs. "Don't play games with me," Hoseok says a bit nervous and then Namjoon looks over at the stairs and as expected Jimin's curious self was there. "See for yourself," Namjoon says and Hoseok looks over and makes eye contact with Jimin. "Shit-" right after Hoseok looks back at Namjoon, Namjoon pulls the trigger and the bullet shoots right into his head.

Hoseok falls back as his head basically exploded, Jimin gasps and turns away from the horrid sight. "Dude what the fuck!?" Taehyung then yells scared and Namjoon turns to him before loading his gun again. "Leave and never come back," Namjoon says and out of fear Taehyung runs away, holding his aching side. Namjoon then starts kicking Hoseok's body to the door while putting his gun away and taking out his phone. He calls someone and talks for a bit before going up the stairs and to Jimin who was frozen shocked.

Namjoon stands in front of him and Jimin looks up with frightened eyes. Namjoon calms down a bit and slowly crouches next to him. "Hey, it's ok," he simply says and runs his hand through Jimin's hair. "C'mon, let's go back to looking at treasure," Namjoon says and hands out his hand. Jimin gulps and then grabs his hand with a nod. They head back up to the attic and Namjoon starts showing more treasure as if he hadn't just killed someone. 

[night fall]
Jimin and Namjoon laid on a couch together that's on a balcony, looking up at the starts. Namjoon gently played with Jimin's hair as he laid on top and Jimin thought about things.

"How many people have you killed?" Jimin asks. A bit shocked Namjoon freezes and he looks down at Jimin who turns and looks at him. "Why do you want to know?" Namjoon asks and Jimin turns back away to keep looking at the stars. "Well, you just shot him as if it was nothing," Jimin mumbles, still traumatized by the event of this morning.

Namjoon hums and proceeds with playing with Jimin's hair. "To be fair, I dont know how many people I've killed," Namjoon replies which shocks Jimin. "H-Have you ever regretted killing someone?" He asks. "I was 8 when I first killed someone, and I regretted it so much but the guy was hurting my sister," Namjoon says and Jimin hums. "How about by accident?" Jimin asks. "Many times, my aim would be off when I first started snipping, and when I first learned how to drive I hit a couple people," Namjoon says and Jimin was really shocked.

"Have you ever been caught?" Jimin asks and Namjoon snickers, "I've been to jail three times," he says and at that Jimin sits up and looks back at Namjoon shocked. "You never told me that!" He says  making Namjoon laugh. "I'm 32 and doing illegal things everyday, what did you expect," he says and Jimin scoffs with disbelief while laying back down. "How long were your sentences?" Jimin asks. "Each were like 1-2 years," Namjoon replies. "Was it boring in jail?" Jimin asks.

"You're asking a lot of questions," Namjoon says instead and Jimin turns around to face him, "and? I wanna know more about Kim Namjoon," Jimin says while bringing his face closer to Namjoon's. Namjoon chuckles and runs his hand through his fluffy hair, "oh really?" He wonders and Jimin nods. "Ok, then yeah it was very boring in jail," Namjoon replies and Jimin nods. "Did you make friends there?" Jimin asks while dreamily looking into his eyes. "Yeah, but I think most of them are still in jail," Namjoon says which makes sense.

"Why did you go to jail?" Jimin asks, laying his head down on Namjoon's shoulder. "All for murders and some additional drug dealing charges," Namjoon says which also makes sense. "Have you even done something illegal?" Namjoon then asks and Jimin was a bit taken back. "Other than being underage in a bar, I don't think I've done anything else bad," Jimin says which Namjoon wasn't too surprised about. "As expected," Namjoon says and Jimin rolls his eyes.

"Is there anything illegal you want to do?" Namjoon asks and Jimin shrugs. "I feel like us being together is illegal enough," Jimin replies in a mumble. Namjoon feels his heart beat quicken at the mention of being together. "In what way?" Namjoon asks. "I mean you did kidnap me," Jimin says and looks up at him with blush on his cheeks. "I did," he says and Jimin hums as he snuggled more against him.

"And, we're together?" Namjoon asks more quietly and Jimin could hear his heartbeat going really fast just like his own. Jimin didn't really now how to answer and he just starts playing with Namjoon's shirt. "Is that a yes?" Namjoon wonders because he for sure wants it to be a yes. "Yes dumbass," Jimin mumbles and Namjoon snickers before ruffling his hair.

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