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[3 days later]
Namjoon hasn't been able to stop thinking about Jimin and it's really driving him crazy. He often wanted to go in Jimin's room to see if he was still mad but held back. Anyways right now he stood at the door, holding the key in his hand as well as a box of crackers. He sighs before unlocking the door and opening it, walking in and looking at the couch. Jimin wasn't on the couch tho, and instead was in front of the tv playing with the remote, his head against the screen.

He didn't move a bit and Namjoon closes the door before sliding the key in his pockets. "What are you doing?" Namjoon asks but Jimin ignores him. He's still pissed about the fact that Namjoon just put tattoos on him after drugging him, and not just any tattoos, his initials and gang symbol and a date which will haunt him forever. "Stop ignoring me will you? Why are you even mad anyways?" Namjoon says pissed and Jimin just gives him the finger before returning to playing with the remote, the channels on the tv continuously changing.

Namjoon puts the box of crackers down and then walks over to the tv, grabbing the remote out of Jimin's hand and putting it on top of the tv. Jimin looks up at Namjoon with furrowed brows and a little pout, "stop acting like this," Namjoon says. "Why do you even care about my emotions?" Jimin asks then stands up so he could glare at Namjoon. However he instead gets slapped across the face.

Jimin gasps and holds his face in shock, looking back at Namjoon who sighs. Jimin however in return slaps Namjoon back just as hard. Namjoon looks back at Jimin with wide eyes, shocked that he would even dare try. Jimin's heart sinks and he takes a step back. "You bitch," Namjoon then mumbles before grabbing onto Jimin and shoving him to the ground. Jimin cries out and tries standing up but Namjoon kicks him. Jimin mouth opened wide as the wind got knocked out of him, and he hold his stomach as he tries to breath.

"Fucking bitch, know your place," Namjoon groans and wondered why he even tried to get Jimin to not be angry at him. He walks over to the door and looks at the crackers he brought, deciding to leave them simply out of pity. Namjoon slams the door and locks it before storming away, wanting to just punch someone in the face.

After he arrives outside the first person he sees he grabs by the shirt and pulls him closer. "I'm gonna punch you," he warns before just knocking the guy out with a big punch right to the face. The guy stumbles back as he looses consciousness and Namjoon flaps his aching hand a bit before taking a deep breath in. "That felt nice," he mumbles then goes on.

[later that night]
Jimin was fast asleep on the reclined bed when Namjoon sneaked into the room. He quietly closes the door and looks at Jimin as he slept in the moonlight, his heart aching for some reason. Why is he feeling this way about Jimin so quickly?

Namjoon then looks over and sees the box of crackers, untouched. Jimin didn't eat the crackers just to prove that he was better than that and Namjoon was a bit ticked off but still walks over to the reclined bed and sits down on it. He didn't really know what he wanted to do, but a part of him wanted to make sure Jimin was ok.

After all, he is a very kind man. It might not seem like it since he's a gang boss and participates in murders and illegals things and abuses but deep down Namjoon easily gets attached to people. It's been a while since he had someone to share his love with too so to have Jimin who is just really brave, it's making his heart want to love. But he's bad at expressing his emotions and most of the time leans towards anger.

Anyways, he gently cups Jimin's face and brushes his thumb against the cheek. Jimin stirs a bit so Namjoon stops. He doesn't get up tho and debated wether or not to spend the rest of the night with Jimin or just go back to his own room and try to sleep. He sits there trying to decide what to do for a bit before realizing he'll most likely freak Jimin out and decides to leave.

Namjoon closes and locks the door behind him then starts walking back to his bedroom. Inside he slumps down on his bed and sighs annoyed with himself. Why does he have to be this way? Why does he have to care so much? And why so quickly too? It has barely been 2 weeks and he already can't stop thinking about Jimin.

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