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[next day]
Jimin and the girls all laid asleep on the ground with thin blankets when suddenly the trap door is abruptly opened. They all wake up and then look over, seeing a ladder get dropped inside as well as someone walking in. It was Hoseok. "Girls, Jimin," he says while walking closer. All the girls backed up but Jimin stands up and crosses his arms as he stepped closer to Hoseok. "No need to say anything mean, you're coming out," Hoseok clarified and Jimin huffs before shoving him aside and going to the ladder.

"He's a brave one," he says to the girls before following Jimin up the ladder. Once outside Jimin is held back by the people Hoseok brought with him, one being Taehyung. "What are you even planning on doing?" Jimin wonders as he is brought away with Hoseok leading the way in front of them. "I just want to keep you, and I'm trying again on keeping you in a room by yourself, if you try running off then you're back in the trap hole," Hoseok explains and Jimin huffs annoyed. "This isn't fair, why can't you just bring me back home!?" Jimin whines.

"You don't have a home anymore pretty boy, people already bought your house," Hoseok says and Jimin's heart drops. "W-What?" He wonders shocked. "Yeah? Namjoon didn't tell you?" Hoseok says as he looks back at him. "no," Jimin mumbles and looks down. For some reason it really hurt his heart, the fact that his home that he grew up in was no longer his. "Your dad really messed up," Hoseok then says with a chuckle and he really did. It made Jimin feel hatred towards him the more he thought about it. Why would his dad just betray his whole family like that?

Anyways, they arrive at the house and the boys toss Jimin in to which then Hoseok followed. Taehyung sighs after closing the door and starts making his way to Jungkook. He walks in the shed and smiles as he looks at him all tied up still in a chair. Jungkook was continuously crying, he thought he was just joining Taehyung's gang but no, after they arrived he got drugged and then woke up to this chair.

"Oh stop crying, it's not that bad," Taehyung says with an evil smile as he steps closer to him. Jungkook looks away from him with a sob but Taehyung grabs his face and makes him look up at him. "Poor baby," he just says while wiping away the tears and Jungkook whines while turning his head away, feeling betrayed by someone who he thought he could trust.

Jimin sighs annoyed as he looked out the window, a bunch of people with guns basically garding the house to make sure he doesn't escape. Jimin hated this so much and he really wondered what he could do to escape without getting caught. Jimin knows that this is going to be tough and might even take a while. But hey, in the end he just wants to get out of this situation and not even see anyone ever again.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door, "fuck off," Jimin grumbles but the door still opens. "When was the last time you ate?" Hoseok asks as he walks in. Jimin sighs and turns around to look at him. "Why do you care?" He asks. "I don't, but there's food on the table if you want some," Hoseok says and Jimin's eyes widened. He hasn't eaten in nearly three weeks, of course he's hungry and would like some food.

"Have you even seen yourself in the mirror yet?" Hoseok asks as he walks closer and Jimin shakes his head, there weren't many mirrors in the castle. Hoseok hands out his hand so Jimin grabs it and lets him bring him to the bathroom where there was a big mirror. He lets Jimin stand in front of it and Jimin was honestly shocked. He steps closer to the mirror and looks at himself, a big scar almost healed on his cheek and his skin was so pale and looked pasty, and he looked so much skinnier than he thought he was. Cheeks sunken in and his eyes were dark and gloomy. How could Namjoon even find this attractive?

Jimin backs up and looks at his body, his arms stick thin and his hands bony like a skeleton. His neck tiny with scars and still healing cuts as well as his collar bones extremely prominent. He looks down to his chest, big scars on it too and he could see his chest bones. It was rather disturbing he didn't even want to look anymore. "W-Where's the food?" He asks as he turns to Hoseok. "Follow me," he simply says and they walk out the bathroom together before leaving and going to another door in the hallway that lead to nowhere.

In the room was a big table with plenty of food, other people sitting and enjoying the nutritious meal. Jimin could feel his mouth watering and his stomach begging already, and he looks at Hoseok happy. "Go on," he says and Jimin happily smiles before sitting down and filling his plate with as much food as he could before devouring it. He ate and he ate and no one even judged him since everyone else was equally as hungry. It was like a dream come true, and all the food was delicious. Jimin loved it.

And for basically the rest of the evening, Jimin ate to his hearts content. He was also allowed to have alcohol so he tried some for the first time. This led to him befriending the others at the table and laughter filled the room. Jimin doesn't recall ever feeling this happy and was glad he was allowed to try the alcohol. It made him drink more and more tho, since he thought he would get happier if he drank more. But it doesn't really work that way and Jimin soon passed out at his chair with booze and food all over him.

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