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[next morning]
Jimin hums as he wakes up to the lovely sound of birds singing. He sits up from the reclined bed and looks around the room before going over to the window and opening the curtains. Sun spilled into the room and lightened it up, and Jimin looks outside and sees more of the environment he's in. Trees and gardens of colourful flowers were seen as well as some people walking around.

It made him feel at peace, the scenery was just gorgeous and he wondered what type of person Namjoon is to have all of this to himself. Jimin then looks around at the window before finding a latch, so he opens it and then slides the window open, letting in cool fresh air into the room. Jimin takes a deep breath in and closes his eyes content.

Just then he hears the door getting unlocked so he turns and looks over at the door, watching it as it slowly opened. Then Namjoon walks in and gets a bit taken back by Jimin's beauty. The sunrise shimmer on his scared face was just beauty. Jimin blinks and then looks away as he settled down on the bed.

"Good morning," Namjoon just says and walks in, closing the door behind him. Jimin hums in return, not feeling safe or content anymore. "Do you like the view?" Namjoon wonders as he walks closer and Jimin shrugs even tho he did like the view, he just didn't want to admit it. Namjoon didn't really like the way Jimin was responding tho, but he decides to be a bit kinder since it's barely his first day with him.

"Tonight you will join me to diner," Namjoon says and walks over to the couch, sitting on it to which Jimin backed away at. "I want to discuss some things with you," Namjoon says and looks at Jimin seriously. Jimin nods and doesn't even make eye contact, too scared to look into his eyes. "Come closer," Namjoon then adds and pats the spot next to him. Jimin didn't want to go closer tho, so he shakes his head and keeps his eyes away.

Namjoon sighs a bit annoyed but knew he needed to be patient for now. "Well then, let's get to know each other more," Namjoon says while scooting closer to Jimin who gives him an odd look. "Wanna ask me a question first? I do wanna hear your voice," Namjoon says and Jimin shrugs, "What's your name?" He asks quietly and Namjoon chuckles. "That's not something you should worry about," He says and Jimin rolls his eyes in return.

"Ok then how old are you?" Jimin asks and Namjoon snickers. "32," Namjoon replies and Jimin hums, "you were right for choosing me instead of my sister then, creep," Jimin says and Namjoon raises his eyebrows shocked. "Oh really?" Namjoon says, "duh," Jimin replies, a snicker leaving Namjoon in return. "Never thought you'd be one with attitude," Namjoon says a bit ticked off. "Well I never thought I'd be here so there's that," Jimin says and then crosses his arms with a pout.

"How about I ask you something now," Namjoon then says while gritting his teeth and Jimin feels his heart sink at the view of his angry eyes piercing through his soul. "Since you're being mean," Namjoon adds and Jimin looks away. "Do you have any friends?" He asks. "Yeah," Jimin mumbles. "Do you have any special friends?" Namjoon wonders. "No," Jimin mumbles. "Really? Do you even remotely like someone?" Namjoon wonders and Jimin rolls his eyes. "Why does it even matter? Aren't you gonna kill me anyways?" Jimin says as if annoyed and Namjoon tries not to lose it.

"Do you want to die?" Namjoon asks and Jimin bites his lip while shaking his head, "then stop with that attitude and be glad I'm keeping you alive because you could've went down with your family," Namjoon says pissed and Jimin huffs. Namjoon sighs and then stands up, "we'll finish this conversation at supper," he simply says before leaving the room. Jimin looks at the door and listened as it got locked before looking back outside.

[supper time]
Jimin gets brought down through the castle by two guys who held loaded guns to him. He's deathly scared and felt like if he walked any different then he's getting shot to death. So he was very careful about everything. Heck he's even afraid to think. But they arrive at the dining room, the table full of food and Jimin didn't even know that much food could be put on a table. The guys holding Jimin at gun point shove him to a chair and keep their guns pointed at him, "sit," one demands and Jimin quickly sits down. "Stay," he says and Jimin nods.

"He's not a dog," Jimin then hears Namjoon say as he walked in and the guys bow to him before walking away. Namjoon then sits opposite of him and Jimin doesn't even look at him. "Eat as much as you want, it'll be your only meal for a while," Namjoon says while starting to fill his plate with food. "What do you mean my only meal?" Jimin asks. "Prisoners don't eat, especially ones who give attitude," Namjoon simply replies and Jimin scoffs. However that made Namjoon glare at him and Jimin plays it off by clearing his throat. "Fine then," he then mumbles and starts filling his plate with food too.

It goes silent for a bit, and they just start eating the food. Jimin was a bit unsure of the food tho, he didn't know if anything was poisoned or not. But it was worth the shot if it was going to be his only meal for who knows how long.

"Let's proceed our conversation from earlier hmm?" Namjoon then says as he leaned back in his chair with his wine glass in hand. Jimin takes a bite out of the chicken breast and looks at Namjoon uninterested. "What grade are you in?" Namjoon asks. "Senior," Jimin replies. "So you were about to graduate?" Namjoon wonders and Jimin nods. "Do you know what you want to be in life?" Namjoon asks. "Not really," Jimin says and keeps eating, ready to stuff himself with food.

"What classes interested you more?" Namjoon asks, "English and Arts," Jimin replies.

"What is your average grade?"
"Do you participate in clubs?"
"No, those are for losers,"
"Who's your favourite teacher?"
"My art teacher,"
"Cuz he's nice,"

"He's nice huh?" Namjoon says while quirking his eyebrows and Jimin who was stuffing his face looks at him annoyed. "He's in his 50's, that's gross," Jimin says making Namjoon snicker. "Do you do any sports?" "I used to run,"
"So do you think you could outrun me?"
"I don't know how fast you run so I don't know,"
"That's good,"

Jimin rolls his eyes and keeps eating, wanting to be done with this. Namjoon couldn't believe how bratty Jimin was, always answering with sass and annoyance. With how he first saw Jimin, he thought he would be always shy and keeping to himself and not daring to move under his gaze. Guess he got comfortable.

"What's your favourite movie?" Namjoon asks and Jimin just shrugs, "show?" He wonders and this time Jimin ignores Namjoon, he just keeps eating like his life depended on it. "Put that food down and answer me," Namjoon demands while putting his wine glass down. "If you were told that this was your last meal you would be doing the same thing, dumbass," Jimin says and Namjoon clenches his jaw. Jimin looks right into Namjoon's eyes as he swallowed the food in his mouth as well as took a bite of a piece of bread. Namjoon sighs as he looks away, not wanting to get angry.

Jimin keeps eating, grabbing the salads and the meats and the breads and everything on the table. All of it. He tries his best to eat as much as he can until he feels so full and bloated he might just explode. When he reaches that point he leans back into the chair and closes his eyes with a groan. Namjoon finishes the little food he had on his plate before standing up and walking to Jimin.

A bit scared now Jimin sits up straight and looks up at Namjoon with big eyes. "You full now?" He asks and Jimin nods. "Good," Namjoon says and then hands out his hand. Jimin looks at it before hesitantly grabbing it, to which Namjoon pulled him up from the chair. He then grabs Jimin's arm and starts walking him back to his room. Jimin lets him and then when they arrive at the room Namjoon just shoves Jimin inside. Jimin stumbles a bit as he held his stomach, feeling like he's gonna be sick because they went up some stairs and down long hallways.

Namjoon doesn't say anything else and just closes the door before locking it. Jimin sits down on the reclined bed and sighs as he wondered what was going to happen later on.

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