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As I entered the most favorite place of mine, the Cafe, I could already hear the voice of my most favorite Phi* scolding someone.

Well it wasn't anything different, rather this was the normal view to be welcomed with. His back facing me as he continued nagging a Nong** for misbehaving inside the Cafe.

"P'Nine." I called sweetly wrapping my arms swiftly around his small frame. Sometimes I wondered how he could hold so much of anger in that tiny body of his.

"Aish Nong you scared me." He spoke after managing his startled expression.

"Sorry Phi." I smiled sheepishly still hugging him like a Koala. Include that as my favourite position too. I felt strangely secured in that position. As his small back would be pressed against my chest radiating a strange warmth inside me, and my face hooked on his shoulder, I could smell him.

Perfectly addictive yet calming. That's what I should say to describe his smell.

And I loved to enjoy every much of it.

"Did I make myself clear? Now go to attend your classes." He completed his lecture and the junior ran away without even giving another glance at us.

"Huh! these kids." He muttered before completely focusing on me. "And why are you so clingy early in the morning?"
This wasn't a scolding. And even if it was I wouldn't take that as that.

Because although he was grumpy, always scolding and nagging, for me he was the most sweetest creature I had ever seen. The fuss that he carried around was just a thin layer under which was a shy kid.

"Aww Phi am I not your favorite Nong?" I asked in a puppy voice.

"You know my soft spots eh?" He said laughing. See this was my Phi. Laughing freely, smiling cheekily, caring and all for me only. Wasn't I lucky?

I finally let go of him and he turned around flashing a bright smile.

"Phi did you give her the card yesterday?" I jumped to the actual topic right after.

"Ohh yes yes I did. Nong I can advice you only one thing. Atleast write your name on it. I fear she might think any of the batistas here, including me, is giving her the cards regularly." He spoke his concern.

"Why Phi? Did she say something?" I asked hoping to get something new but when he shook his head my hopes got crashed immediately.

"And that's what I'm confused about the most. She never asks anything and neither does she look surprised. Like as if it's just something normal." He was rubbing the back of his neck while speaking. Must be tired already. I thought.

"Probably that is the thing Phi. Maybe she is used to getting stuffs like that." I stated my assumption.

"Hmm might be but for now tell me what would you like to have?" He asked shifting to his formal tone.

"Same." I ordered smiling while he ran to the counter and I went to sit at one of the tables not far from the counter.

Clara, is my first crush. The moment I saw her in the freshman year I could feel the world stopped and everything became a blur. But I couldn't gather enough courage to talk with her or to ask her out.

But when I discovered this Cafe and a cute Phi inside it I also found her visiting here regularly. That's how I befriended the grumpy Phi to help me court Clara.

I was pulled back from my train of thoughts when I saw my order being carried to me by another batista.

"P'Ben why are you here today? Where is P'Dome?" I asked. Well it was always P'Nine and P'Dome's shift in the morning.

"Dome is sick so I came to help Nine." He spoke formally but with a friendly smile. "By the way Joong how are you? And what about the girl, any improvement?" He asked one after the other not letting me answer.

"Aww Phi you are too curious eh?" I teased him a bit but answered anyway. "I'm doing great and I'm still trying to impress her. Well you can't say any improvement yet but I'm planning to finally meet her tomorrow. "

"Wow Nong. All the best then." He congratulated me but he was surprised too from his reaction.

"Where is P'Nine?" I asked again.

"He is inside. Wait a bit he'll catch you." P'Ben said walking back to the counter. But I didn't need to wait long before I could spot the small figure of my Phi walking out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on his apron.

Well I could never get tired of talking about him. He really had so many shades of him. Confident but shy, grumpy but cute, fiesty yet caring,  sassy yet adorable. He looked so vulnerable as if seeking for a shelter but he could also be the shelter for someone else.

It was as if God had created him by giving him everything a human could possibly want. Any girl or boy would be proud to walk beside him.

He gave me a smile before sitting opposite to me. "Anything else you want?" He asked confused catching me staring at him.

I nodded still my eyes on his.

"What?" He asked ready to bolt up from the chair to fetch me the thing I need. See so caring and only for me.

"You." I said while giving a wide cheeky grin. I caught the confusion and shock in his face before he pulled one of those grumpy faces.

So cute. I thought smiling.

*Pee(P') which is also written as Phi, means elder brother and sister, in Thai.

**Nong means younger brother and sister.

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