Extra chapter - The Cupid's Success

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"Omg Ben you are such a good actor." Dome commented the moment Joong and Nine stepped out of the Cafe.

"Shut up. Whose plan was it again?" I retorted trying to fake annoyance.

"Of course me. Who else would have such great plans in their pockets?" He stated proudly.

"I really was surprised though that the grumpiest of grumpy Nine could be such a coward." It was Pavel this time grinning like a fool.

"Ohh he is all talks." Dome joined him back stabbing our friend.

"But I really saw him giving heart eyes to the boy when I first saw him. He was looking at him like a what can I say- Prince Charming? Yes like that. And when I looked at Joong I literally saw him throwing daggers towards me with his eyes." Pavel chuckled confessing his part.

"You even had the audacity to flirt with him openly." It was Earth this time joining the conversation.

I gave him a loving smile before making my way to him.

"Look at the other love struck boyfriend here. Aish it's getting harder for singles now." Dome made a face scrunching his nose.

"Then let's get together." Pavel asked smirking at the now flustered Dome.

"Who is getting together with whom?" P'Sun asked walking over to us all the while glaring at his brother.

"I swear Pavel flirts with everything that moves." I teased him while he looked away obviously scared of his brother. And in the meantime Dome moved from his former position, beside Pavel, to stand beside Earth.

"But atleast someone can shut Dome up." Earth stated making us all laugh together except an annoyed Dome.

"Seems like everyone is pretty much in a good mood today?" The voice of our guest made us stop laughing and instead smile at her warmly.

"Yeah so tell me how much I missed." She demanded as soon as she reached us sitting beside Pavel, the only place left vacant.

"Clara you really missed a lot. You should have seen how they were looking at each other all the time they were here after their confession. I could really smell love in the air." Dome got back to his over dramatic and over excited self filling Clara up.

"Aww that's so sad I couldn't see them. But I really didn't want to give them any more complications than they already were into." She replied sadly.

"It's okay you can see them afterwards you'll get plenty of time." Earth consoled her.

"Yeah sure. By the way I think we should celebrate our success. The cupids group succeeded. Yeah!!" She exclaimed happily.

"Yes that was one worth for celebration. The acting we had to put up to act oblivious, huh..and yeah Dome seriously needs acknowledgement for coming up with the plan." P'Sun praised Dome making him smile even wider.

"Yes talking with Clara secretly, acting innocent infront of them and Ben's was the most hardest though. He had to always put up the angry and annoyed face." Pavel said next.

"Oh it's not his credit. He has got used to being angry and annoyed staying with Nine." Dome immediately fought.

"But the one who enjoyed this act the most was Pavel. He got to annoy Nine and flirt with him all the while." Earth pointed out teasing Pavel.

"C'mon give some credits to me as well I had to come up with the myth about the old well all by myself when I came to know that Joong had called to confess to me." Clara interrupted in between basking appreciation.

"Believe me for once I really bought that lie and thought that there really was an actual myth about the well. God you really fabricated a good story." It was Dome this time satisfying her but I couldn't argue though.

The story really helped them afterall.

After Nine's birthday the explosion of mine got Dome understanding the situation. And then he came up with this plan making Clara a part of our plan too. But the calculations went wrong at first making it only Nine who got hurt and finally ending up in the hospital.

Though still it helped them at the end.

If the lovers are - one a coward to not confess his feelings at any cost and the other a fool to not realise his true feelings then the cupids need to meddle a bit right?

Afterall if they were happy and together then it was the cupid's success.

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