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As I took each step away from the Cafe I felt a sudden uneasiness. The pale and weak face of P'Nine flashing repeatedly in my mind.

Probably because he seemed so different, so weak today that I couldn't think of leaving him.

I heard a very faint voice of P'Dome shouting at someone, their usual bickering I thought shrugging and finally leaving the place.

And just as I thought as soon as I saw the face of a smiling Clara, the uneasiness vanished. I was overthinking I concluded returning her smile.

"I'm so sorry Clara. I kept you waiting." I apologized quickly.

"It's okay I arrived just now." She replied sweetly. She was too sweet.

"Then let's take a walk around the park?" I offered smiling widely hiding the nervousness and she agreed instantly. So easy.

"So what do you want to say? You asked me to come here to say something right?" She asked as we started walking side by side. I gulped feeling too nervous.

"Yes. I have something. But first let's enjoy here." I said biting my lips waiting for her reaction but when she nodded again agreeing to me I took a sigh of relief.

"How is aunty?" I asked first breaking the silence.

"Don't ask about her. She is doing great and she is always talking about you, nagging me to bring you again to our house." She complained cutely with a dramatic effect. I couldn't keep my eyes off her as we walked further. She was too beautiful.

"Then I might need to visit her again." I replied chuckling imagining the sweet lady. She was just as sweet as Clara if not more.

Carla laughed at that before adding. "Yes. I'm scared now she might disown me and kick me out of the house to adopt you."

I laughed really hard at that.
"Poor Carla. Then I would surely visit more often." I teased her and she made a fake pout.

The rest of the walk went just like that both of us cracking silly jokes, teasing each other and then laughing our butt off. Everything was too perfect. Too easy.

We finally stopped in front of a well. An old one.

"Do you know it is said that if you think of the person you love and throw a stone in this well. You will definitely get that person." She said standing on her tiptoes to see the bottom of the well.

"Really? Let's try then." I proposed excitedly. So appropriate for my situation I thought.

"Sure let's try." She agreed immediately searching for a stone in the ground. I picked one smiling thinking about her before closing my eyes.

But suddenly all her images got replaced by those of my P'Nine. I opened my eyes blinking few times and tried again.

But the same result. I threw the stone anyway now getting confused as I faced her.

This was the time. Finally I was going to confess my feelings for her then why this confusion?

"What happened why do you look so confused?" She asked sensing my discomfort. I looked at her face scanning it. She was too beautiful. Her smile was too sweet. Her personality was too perfect. Everything around her was too easy.

But nothing was like my P'Nine. My P'Nine was also sweet, caring , adorable, perfect, easy. And I liked it. I liked that.

Too much was not for me.

Suddenly the realisation hit me. Clara was like a drug for me but P'Nine was natural. Like the wind, like the Sun, like the sky. He was comfortable. He was home.

"Clara I'm sorry I called you to say something but I guess I'm not sure." I said in a hurry. She looked at me confused for a second before replying.

"It's okay Joong, I still loved your company."

"Thank you Clara. I need to go now. I forgot someone important." I said as blood rushed through my veins making me excited.

"Listen to your heart. Let it decide your path." I didn't knew why she said that but I smiled obeying her, letting my heart decide its destination this time.

And then made a run towards it, my destination, my P'Nine.

P'Nine wait a second I'm coming. I said mentally as I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I felt like a fool not noticing the one who was always beside me.

I was already panting hard, struggling for breathe as I reached the glass door. I could feel my heartbeat rising with each second as I opened the door but the excitement turned into confusion when my eyes landed on a very busy P'Sun working alone.

"P'Sun where is P'Nine?" I asked feeling a strange feeling. And it intensified when he looked at me so lost and affraid.

"Hospital." Just a word and everything crumbled under me. Was I too late?

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