2. Insane...

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Ben pov:
So all villains were killed because of an order which was on my name...? Just like that the VK's got chips in their necks so they wouldn't do evil stuff...?
How did that even happen? I never put up something like that...
I had a feeling my dad knew something about this so I walked to his office, which he still had even though I was king for almost half a year.

I was about to knock when I heared him talking to someone.
"How's the status of the chips?" I heared my dad asking.
"The one of the VK who came here recently seems unstable according to our system." this other guy said.
"And the other chips?"
"Stable so far. There have been a lot of shocks in the past hour."
"If they don't seem to care, but the volts up."
"That could cause physical damage."
"It'll teach them."
"Okay... Just upgraded it th 25% on my tablet."
"Good. You can go now."
I quickly pretend that I just walked by as this other guy left.
My dad looked at me.
"Something wrong son?"
"I... Bye!" I said quickly as I left.
I couldn't believe my dad was harming the VK's this much!
I needed to do something but standing up to him... That wasn't in it for me... I mean how could I ever stand up against him.
I sighed and walked to Mal's dorm, I promised her to tell her if I knew more... Although Harry didn't seem to want Mal to know... Otherwise he would've told her...
Oh man...

I stood in front of Mal's dorm but I hesitated.
What if Harry really didn't want Mal to know?
I couldn't just tell her anyways...
I stepped away from the door and walked away.
"No, I'd better talk to Harry first... Trying to convince him that it was really my dad's idea and not mine..." I muttered as I walked outside.

As I saw Harry sitting by the lake he looked at me.
"What do you want...?"
"Can we talk?"
He motioned me that I could sit down too and I did.
"I owe you the truth." I started and Harry looked at me.
"So you're going to admitt that it was you all along?"
"No, I just overheared my dad talking about it to one of the guards. He put up all that."
Harry started in front of him, emotionless.
"You don't believe me do you?" I asked softly and Harry looked at me.
"I do believe you."
"Wait- You do?"
He nodded.
"Why? I thought you'd never believe me?"
"Why on earth would a cute guy kill half of an entire island and put electric chips in the other half's neck?" Harry said and my jaw dropped.
Harry noticed and turned to me.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You... You just called me a cute guy..."
Harry seemed like he felt busted and he stood up.
"I'd better go..."
"Wait." I said as I stood up too.
"Did you... Mean it?"
"Does it matter?" Harry said as he left.
So yea, I was basically kust standing there, not quite sure what just happened...

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter but I wanted it to be like a little cliffhanger. Next chapter coming soon!

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