9. Bringing it down

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Harry pov:
So we were gonna bring the barrier down today. But Ben wanted to meet up before that by the lake with me.
I saw he had a huge grin on his face as he noticed me.
"Why are you smiling like that?" I asked.
"I just had a crazy idea."
"Crazy ideas are the most fun ideas." I said.
"What if we got married?" Ben just blurted that out and I looked at him.
"I'm sorry, what now?"
"It's insane, forget that I said anything..." Ben seemed a bit nerveus and embarrassed and I smiled.
"You were being serious?"
I kissed him and he looked at me.
"Does that mean...?"
"I'd love to."
He smiled and we made out for a bit more.

So later on when the two of us meet up with the other VK's they looked at us.
"Ben seems happier then usual... And he is almost always happy." Jay said.
"And Harry seems to be in a good mood too, what's going on?" Mal asked and I looked at Ben.
"Should we tell them?" I asked.
"They'll know later." Ben said.
"Tell us what?" Carlos asked.
"Don't leave us hanging." Evie said.
"According to Ben, you'll know later." I said and Ben grinned.
"We have a barrier to break. Mal?"
"I'm right behind you." she said.

So all the AK's seemed suprised that the barrier would come down and Adam looked at Ben.
"You're not going to break the barrier."
"True. Mal is." and he motioned to Fairy godmother to give her wand to Mal, which she did.
Adam looked at Ben.
"Have you any idea of what you're doing?!"
"Yes, fixing things." Ben said and he looked at Mal.
"Go for it!"
"Yea!" Carlos yelled and a few AK's grinned because of his enthusiasm.
"You got this Mal." I said and she nodded.
"To make the world a better place, we have to do it face to face."
And then she broke the barrier.
"Holy goblins..." I muttered, because I couldn't believe it was really happening.
Ben took my hand and he smiled.
The other VK's came to Auradon and I got hugged by my little sister.
"Hey Cj." I said and Harriette grinned.
"You really kept word huh?" she said.
"Did you even doubt me?" I asked.
"I always doubt everyone."
Cj looked at Harriette.
"Can't you just be happy for once?"
Harriette looked at me and then at Ben.
Then she grinned softly.
"Why don't you ask your big brother huh?"
Then Ben and I realised we were still holding hand and Cj's eyes widen.
"You got a boyfriend?!"
I face palmed myself.
"Yea... I did." I said and Ben chuckled.
"I'm Ben." he said.
Harriette's eyes widen.
"You're dating the king of Auradon?!"
I grinned nervously.
"Hey guys, when will we know 'the thing' exactly?" Mal asked.
Then my sisters looked at me.
"There is 'a thing' going on?" Cj asked me and Ben looked at me.
Then Evie made the right guess.
"Hold up- Being happier then usual... And still together- Are you two getting married?!"
"That's oddly specific E-" Jay said but I cut him off.
"No she's right actually." I said and Harriette looked at me.
"You work fast don't you?" she said teasingly.
"Cool congrats!" Carlos said and then we had a real angry Adam.
"No f*cking way!" he yelled and all of us stepped back because he scared us.
And to be honest all eight of us were afraid of him.
"Adam just-" Belle said but Adam just pushed her aside.
"Mom-!" Ben said but Adam grabbed his throat.
"Hey!" I yelled and luckly for Ben, I still had my sword which I grabbed.
"Let... Go of... Me!" Ben said and then I noticed something.
"It's not Adam." I said and then Adam released Ben.
"What did you say?!"
"You're not Adam. It all makes sense now, why you turn aggressive so easily..." Ben kneeled next to him mom and Mal looked at me.
"What on earth are you talking about?"
But then Adam turned into beast.
"Still looks like the real deal..." Carlos said.
Adam grabbed my throat and basically ran off with me.

Then as he released me in the forest he grinned.
"Of course you had to figure it out." he said with a female voice, which I recognised.
"Maleficent..." I said softly.
"Got it in one." she said as she turned back to herself.
"But I can't let you tell anyone." she said with green eyes and she put a spell on me.

Ben pov:
"Mom, are you alright?" I asked.
"I'm fine. Stop your dad before he kills him, you know he would." my mom said and I went after them together with the six other VK's.
"Harry? Dad?" I asked.
"Harry!" Mal said.
"Big brother?" Cj said.
"Look, clawmarks." Harriette said and she pointed towards a tree.
"Oh crap..." I muttered.
"We should hurry." Carlos said.
"No shit mr. obvious!" Jay said.
"There." Evie said and Harry was laying on the ground, yet he didn't seem injured.
"Harry?" I said as I looked at him.
He looked at me and stumbled back.
"Who the hell are you?!"
"Wait what?" I said confused and Mal looked at Harry.
"Harry, what's going on?"
"Mal? But you guys where in Auradon..."
As he looked around he quickly got up.
"This ain't the isle..."
"Harry, what the hell is going on?" Harriette said.
"Why are the three of us in Auradon? We were on the isle then they killed our parents, those chips and..."
"And what?" Carlos asked.
"Nothing... I don't remember much after that..." Harry muttered.
Mal looked at him and her eyes turned green.
"Memory spell, someone erased his damn memory!" she yelled.
"So he doesn't remember anything since the chips?" I asked.
"Relax Ben, we'll fix this." Evie said and Harry looked at me.
"You're that Ben guy?!"
"Whoa easy!" Harriette said as she stopped her brother from attacking me.
"What the hell Harriette?!"
"Well explain everything, just don't kill or attack anyone. It's a long story."
"Like six months to cover." Jay said.
"Six months?! What the hell happend?" Harry asked.
"Someone just erased you memory a few minutes ago, focus." Cj said.
"Hold up, six months. They decided to get married/engaged after six months... Damn..." Carlos said.
"Who...?" Harry asked.
"Doesn't matter. We have to get going." Mal said quickly and I sighed.
It really hurt when Harry didn't recognise me and tried to kill me... again.

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