13. Finally

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Harry pov:
So a few years have passed and things finally turned back normal, sort of.
I mean a lot of things have changed.
Ben and I got married, which made a lot of impression on the AK's and it's been kinda crazy.
Also it has been exactly five years since the barrier got down and that called for a party, obviously.
My little sister was wayyyy too hyped but me and my older sister let her have it.
Especially since she got herself a boyfriend last year... Sadly enough it's the only guy of the isle I hated more then Jay, Zevon.
But I suppose if Cj thought it was fun then I'd let her be.
Still I didn't like the idea of those two together.
Also just a few weeks and then it's our (Ben and mine) 5th anniversary.
Damn time flies by when you're having fun...
Oh right, I almost forgot. Harriette, Cj and I acctually talked to our mom. We found her and talked to her.
She's actually pretty cool for a hero, y'know what I meant.

But today Ben and I kinda got into a new situation...
We were just walking by the lake and he looked at me.
"Do you think this is all?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"The two of us. This."
"So you mean I'm not enough...?"
"What? No! Not like that. You're amazing, really."
I chuckled.
"Relax, I was just messing with you. But for real, what did you mean?"
"Well look around. All of our friends... they... y'know..."
Okay so I kinda got the idea where he was going, but then this little girl ran up to us, she was like 5 years old or something...?
"Are you mister Hook...?" she asked me and I looked at Ben for a moment.
Then she just hugged me and I looked at Ben.
*Do you know her?* I asked without sound and he shoke his head.
"Thank yiu for saving my life back then." the girl said and I looked at her.
Then I realised that she was that baby girl in that burning building back there...
"Garce, I told you not to run off like that!" this girl said, a little older then us.
Ben and I looked at each other.
"She's yours?" Ben asked.
"No I work at the orphan house. I was supposed to go outisde with her but then she ran off... Again."
So 'Grace' smiled a little and I tried hard not to chuckle.
"I hope she didn't cause any trouble- Oh goblins- Your majesties... I am so sorry."
Right still weird when Ben and I are together or me alone and people use that word... Never gonna get used to it.
"He saved me from the fire..." Grace said and then this girl looked at me for a moment.
"She's been through a lot don't take things serious of her-"
"No, I think I actually did... Almost five years ago..." I said and the girl looked at Grace.
"Oh, okay... We should get you back though. Are you comming Grace?"
I looked at Ben.
"That was random..."
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I'm not sure...?"
"Should we adopt her?"
I looked at him.
"That's what you meant with 'is there more then just us' didn't you?"
I smiled at him and well we did as he said.
We adopted a five year old who appeared to be the kid I saved back there.
Kinda funny...

So Grace had this huge smile on her face for the rest of the day and Ben and I kinda had to make one of the thousand of rooms ready for a toddler. Since Ben had no experience with small kids (I was five when I got my little sister, so I had a bit more experience) I told him to keep Grace busy and Mal volunteered to help us with a tiny bit of magic.
She was just as hyped as Grace, or not much less.
"I can't bieve you two adopted a daughter! This is so sweet!!! She's like super adorable!" Mal said and I grinned.
"Finally found another weakness besides strawberries."
"Oh ha-ha."
Ben chuckled.
"Hey Grace, wanna see your room?"
"I get a room for myself? Which I don't have to share with ten other girls? YAY!!!!"
Okay gotta admit, I almost became deaf by that excited scream but it was worth it.
Mal looked at me.
"Good luck mr. Pirate Dad King. Have fun."
"Please don't call me like that..." I said and Mal left.
Ben grinned.
"Come on Grace, then we'll show you your room."
"Hey of the three of us, you're the only one who knows what it looks like." I said and Ben rolled his eyes with a sly smile.

And damn, the look on Grace's face when she saw her room... Like she never was such happy before. Although that might've been true... Dead parents thanks to fire, she got saved and adopted by the same guy and got a room for herself + she kinda became a princess. Literally.

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