18. Moving on...

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Harry pov:
Okay so things have been insanely hard.
The king stuff is boring and so over my head, I've been doing it for a few months now but I have no idea what I'm doing. According to Belle, I'm doing good so far.
Grace has also been moving on... She'd made some friends at school and she smiled more often again.
I wish I could move on too... But after what happend last week... I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to...

So this is what happend.
It was Grace her birthday and Mal was helping me, like the others of the core four, to make this suprise for Grace.
But when the two of us were alone, we talked abit... She kept asking about that dream of mine back then so I told her...
She said that I had nothing to worry about...
Then we had this connection like we used to have on the isle...
She kissed me but I stopped it... I couldn't not yet... Maybe not ever.
Then it was awkward for the rest of the day.

Ever since then, I might've avoided Mal...
But when I was waiting for Grace (when I was picking her up from school), Mal walked to me.
"Look, I get it that you're avoiding me... But please stop doing it." she said and I sighed.
"I'm sorry... It's just... I was having a hard time moving on and when you kissed me... My brain just stopped thinking for a second... I didn't know what to do..."
"So you stopped it, I get that... Just stop avoiding me, please."
She looked at me and I nodded.
"Yea, I can do that... I'm sorry for avoiding you..."
"It's fine. Like I said, I get it."
"Dad!" Grace her voice yelled and she seemed glad to see me.
"Hey kid. How was school?"
"Great! We now have a class bunny! I found it outside, injured and now we're having her as class bunny so we can help her getting better."
"That's great kid." I said and Mal grinned.
"She really has a heart of gold, huh?" Mal said and Grace looked at her.
"No, a heart is red/pink. Not gold." she said and I chuckled.
"She meant that you're really kind."
"Oh, I knew that." Grace said and Mal and I grinned.
"I promised Evie to come over. She had big news or something...?"
"I think I can guess what, let's say Carlos is bad with secrets." I said.
"What is it?"
"They're getting a kid too."
"Oh goblins that's great!"
"Yea, a little kid is just what you need sometimes to smile." I said an I picked Grace up.
"Can we go to the lake?" Grace asked.
"Sure kid." I said and Mal left as she went to Evie with wayyy to much excitement.

So Grace was basically chasing down every butterfly she saw and I grinned.
"You better let them free if you catch one." I said warningly and Grace nodded.

After a little while she sat down in the grass next to me.
"Are you in love with her?"
I looked at Grace.
"The purple lady, Mal."
"Why do you ask that?"
"Because when you two were talking your face turned red..."
I sighed and looked at Grace.
"I don't know..."
"What do you mean?"
"I still care about Ben, your other dad... It feels wrong to move on..."
"I don't think I get it..."
"Even though it's been a while... I can't let him go yet... You've been having fun and smiling all the time, which makes me happy. Because you seemed to be able to move on."
"I just accept the fact that ain't coming back... But that was a bit easier for me since I spend the first five year of my life without parents... Now I'm still glad to have you!"
I grinned.
"Thanks kid. But the deal between me and Mal. She's great, really. I just... We've been together for year before you were even born. We just grew apart. But I'm not sure, after Ben, if I could forgive myself to date someone else..."
"Does she make you happy?"
I looked at Grace.
"I see wht you're doing. You want me to be with her, don't you?"
"If she makes you happy... Then why would you push her away... My other dad would want you to be happy too..."
"I bet you're right about that... I just... I don't know yet... But if I'd go date her. What would you think of that?"
"I'd like it if she makes you smile more often."
I grinned.
"Good to know."
I gave Grace a one-armed-hug and she smiled.
"You're the best dad I could ever wish for."
I smiled and looked at her.
"You're the best daughter I could ever wish for as well."
"So... Are you gonna date Mal?"
I chuckled.
"Who knows? Just one thing... Don't you think it's a bit weird that I like guys and girls?"
"It's your choice... But does it matter?"
"Of course not. It's just, most people see boys and girls together as standard, sraight. Then your other dad and I, we were called gay... But I'm bi, which means I like guys and girls..."
"Okay, sounds funny."
I grinned and Grace looked at me.
"Hey, there is Mal. Why don't you go talk to her?"
"You really are playing cupid huh?"
"No, just looking for an excuse so Grandma can babysit me more often. She's great in telling stories."
I chuckled and I stood up.
"Fine, but don't tell Mal it was your idea."
Grace grinned and I walked to Mal.
"Hey, can we talk?"
"If you want... Shall we go on a date sometime?"
Mal smiled.
"I thought you said you weren't ready?"
"Let's say I got some great advice..."
Mal grabbed my collar and kissed me.
I looked at her and smiled.
"I bet Grace would love if you'd come over. She's basically really excited if the two of us would end up together... again."
Mal chuckled.
"Okay, mr. Pirate Dad King."
"Okay, you have to stop calling me like that.:
"Maybe one day."
I grinned and we walked back to Grace.
So I was able to move on... I just really hope Grace was right about Ben.
But the smile on Grace her face was worth it either way.

The end!!!

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