7. Are you kidding...?

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Ben pov:
I looked at Harry.
"I'd almost say you like being in a hospital." I said and Harry chuckled.
"Very funny." he said with a grin.
"Mr. Hook? You seem to be fine-" the nurse said as she walked in.
"That's what I've been saying the whole time." Harry said.
"-but your left lung has been damaged, you'll need surgery and possibly a new lung." the nurse continued.
"Wait what now?" Harry said and I looked at him.
"Hey, it'll be fine..."
"Do you know what your bloodtype is? We need to find a match for the possibility in case you need a new lung?" the nurse asked.
"I have no idea... No one ever cared about stuff like that on the isle." Harry said.
So the nurse took a little blood sample so they could see what his bloodtype was, so they could find a match in case...
My phone buzzed and I sighed.
"If you need to go, go ahead. I'll be fine, you said it yourself." Harry said with a smirk.
I grinned and kissed him before I left.

My mom looked at me.
"I heared what happend... They said the fire was there on purpose. Did anyone got injured?" she asked.
"Harry and I found two dead people..."
"Oh my..."
"Then Harry saved this baby girl, but now he might need a new lung..."
"Good riddance." My dad said as he walked in.
"I thought you were in the dungeons!" I said.
"You thought that I would stay there while my son is playing boyfriends with a VK guy?"
"What is it with you against VK's and against gay?!"
"Oh come on! Grow up son, find a wife as rightful queen and be the king Auradon needs. Instead of a child with a 'boyfriend' who's a freaking VK!"
"Shut up!"
"Adam enough!" My mom shouted.
"Stay out of it Belle!" my dad yelled as he pushed her away, she landed with her head against the wall and passed out.
"Mom!" I yelled.
Then I saw how my dad's eyes slowly turned red.
"Oh goblins no..." I muttered.
I stepped back and my mom was unconscious.
"Dad, please calm down..." I muttered.
But he already beasted out.
"No..." I muttered and I just ran.

Harry pov:
I just came back from surgery and woke up again, they found a teansplant for me in like a minute.
I decided to text Ben to tell him I was fine but the message wasn't getting delivered.
"Okay... I'll guess I'll tell him later..." I muttered.

But something wasn't right, it felt weird... Like he was in trouble...
So I decided to call Mal.
"Hey, have you heared anything from Ben?" I asked.
"No, why?" Mal asked.
"Something isn't right, could tou go check up on him? I'm not allowed to get out of the hospital yet..."
"I thought you just got out of the hospital?"
"Long story."
"Okay, but you better fill me in later."
"Yea, yea. Can you check up on Ben now?"
"Yes, I'm on my way. I'll call you back later."
Mal hung up and I sighed.
"Please be alright Ben..." I said softly.

Mal pov:
So I assumed that Ben would be at the palace, but it seemed awfully quiet...
"Hello? Anybody home? Ben?" I said but no response.
I just walked through the palace until I found Belle laying on the ground while she was unconscious.
"Oh my- Belle?"
I kneeled next to her and checked her pulse, thank goblins she was alive.
As she opened her eyes she started freaking out.
"Where's Ben-? Adam he beasted out!"
"Wait what?"
Belle held a hand on her head and gritted her teeth.
"We need to find them..."
"No, you need to take it easy. Harry send me here since he like just knew aomething was wrong. I'll handle it. I promise."
"Be careful. Adam in beast form doesn't quite care if anyone gets injured."
"Good thing that I do neither, unless it's my friends."
So I went into the forest, trying to find Ben. For some reason I thought he'd run into the forest, probably because it's so usual...

Harry pov:
It was almost an hour later and I did what all of those nurses told me not to do.
I got up an simply left, you should've thought it would be way harder for someone who just got out of surgery...

I went into the forest, something just pulled me there. Like I just knew he was there. Kinda creepy...
I ran around.
"Ben?" I shouted.
I saw on a nerby tree some claw marks and swallowed.
"Why doesn't it suprise me that Adam needed to be in Beast form...?" I muttered and I followed the marks.
"Ben?... Ben!?" I yelled.
I felt like weak and a bit tired, I might should've listened to those nurses and should've taken some rest.
But all I cared about on that moment, was making sure Ben was okay.

It took some time but then I saw him laying on the ground, covered with blood.
"Ben? Ben!"
I kneeled next to him and he looked weakly at me.
"G- get out of h- here..."
"I'm not leaving you behind." I said as I took his hand.
"Harry... I- I mean it..."
Then I heared growling... Adam.
I looked up.
"Why do I always fall for traps like this?" I said softly and Adam launched at me.
I dodged it and already started panting, I had to get used to this new lung...
Wait, Mal said she would search for Ben too...
I looked at Adam and smirked.
"MAL!" I shouted as hard as I could and she showed up in just a second.
"Ben-! HARRY?!"
I could see a bit of anger in her eyes towards me but then she used a spell to turn Adam back to human form.
I looked at Ben.
"Come on, it's gonna be okay..."
"Let's get both of you to the hospital." Mal said and we helped Ben up.

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