8. Love is great, right?

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Ben pov:
So Harry and I both needed to stay in the hospital for a week, after that things seemed fine and Harry was the most glad to get out of there, since he kinda almost lived there the past couple weeks.

We walked back around in Auradon for a bit and Harry looked at me.
"So when are you gonna justify your promise to the VK's on the isle?" he asked after some time.
"About breaking the barrier?"
"Yea... I mean not to cause the feeling that I doubt that you would or-"
I chuckled.
"Relax, I get it."
Harry grinned and looked at me.
"They are still waiting." he said as his gaze slowly turned to the isle.
"Tomorrow." I said and Harry looked at me.
"The barrier will come down Tomorrow."
"You're being serious, this is not a joke? Because it's not funny."
"I'm serious. The VK's have been locked away for twenty years because of the judgement of what their parents did. It's been too long." I said and Harry smiled a bit.
"Great, then my older sister won't kill me for giving my little sister false hope." he said sheepish and I tried not to laugh.
Harry looked at me.
"Oh, you're being serious..." I said.
"Yea, my older sister definitely would kill me if it all turned out to be lies and if she'd ever got the chance..." Harry said.
"But that doesn't matter. But you were serious about tomorrow?"
"Yes, why would I joke about that?"
Harry grinned and he just kissed me.
"What did I deserve that for?"
"Being the best AK boyfriend ever."
I chuckled and the two of us walked to the dorms of the other VK's to tell them the news.

"Wait, tomorrow? Really?" Evie said.
"Won't the AK's think it's a bit sudden? Oh who am I kidding, like I care about that." Mal said and Jay grinned.
"So then the barrier will come down... Is no one afraid that our parents are gonna kill us?" Carlos asked and Harry sighed.
"All of our parents are dead, remember?" 
"Oh... Right..."
"Way to bring the mood down." Jay said.
"Anyways, there is just one thing." I said.
"What is it?" Evie asked.
"Mal, what if you could break the barrier then?" I asked and Carlos, Jay, Evie and Harry looked at her.
"Me, really?" Mal asked.
"Well you are the only VK with magic here in Auradon and it would be a greta example of accepting VK's and I just need to make sure that the other VK's won't want to kill me..." I said and Harry looked at me.
"That won'r happen. Trust me." 
"So should we tell the AK's?" Carlos asked.
"Yea, maybe not. My dad probably won't like the idea and then he'd try to stop it." I said.
"No offence but your dad has been a total dick lately, how come that he isn't locked up after trying to kill his own son and shooting someone almost in the head?!" Mal said.
"The bullet did hit my head it just didn't went through..." Harry muttered.
"Because my mom still has the thought of the man behind the beast or something... But he would deserve being locked up." I said.
"Yea no kidding, he killed half an island." Jay said.
"And tortured the other half." Evie said.
Harry looked at me and saw that I felt terrible for what my dad did and he sighed.
"I think the point is clear guys..." he said softly.
"Right... Sorry Ben... We made it sound like it was your fault, didn't we?" Evie asked.
"No, not like that. I just can't believe my dad did all that and that he's getting away with it."
"Well he was the guy who created the United States of Auradon." Lonnie said who walked to us.
"Hey Lonnie." Jay said.
"You know this girl?" Mal asked.
"This girl? Really? I'm his girlfriend." Lonnie said and Harry looked at Jay.
"You got over Gil pretty fast." he said and Lonnie looked at Jay.
"Who's Gil?"
"Technically still his boyfriend since they never broke up..." Mal said and she looked at Jay with a smirk.
"Asshole." Lonnie said and the other four VK's burst out in laughter as Jay sighed.
"Thanks a lot guys."
"Relax, you'll have Gil back tomorrow." Evie said teasingly and Carlos grinned.

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