5. What the hell?!

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Harry pov:
So Ben and I had to keep it a secret that we were together since his dad seemed a bit... anti-gay...
I still couldn't believe that Ben's dad gave Carlos the password to shut the rest of the chips down too.
"Okay, so the four of us will go to the isle to convince the rest of the isle." Evie said and I loomed at her.
"Why can't I come too?"
"Maybe because you're still weakened because of that chip of yours." Jay said.
"Which will be removed in a few days." Ben said.
"Come on, I'm not letting you guys have all the fun without me." I said.
"Fine, but you better stick with us." Mal said.
I nodded and the five of us went to the isle.

Okay so long story short, the VK's weren't happy with the no killing plan, but they did understand why the chips got deactivated by Ben since it wasn't his idea but Adams. Yet they told us they wouldn't kill anyone.
We went back to Auradon, barrier would stay up for at least another week so yea...

Ben and I met up later (yes just the two of us!) and he looked at me.
"I thought you'd never return."
"How could I stay away from you?" I said with a smirk and the two of us kissed.
"Never get tired of that huh?" I asked.
"Clearly you're not weak enough for this." Ben said.
And yea we kept making out for a bit.
"What the hell?!" Someone yelled and the two of us split up.
"Oh crap..." Ben said softly.
His dad was standing a few feet away and he looked at us in anger.
"Oh no! This will not happen!"
Then he just grabbed the gun of a guard and pointed at me.
"Oh come on..." I muttered.
Ben pushed me back but I felt the bullet going through and against the skin of my back head.
Not that the bullet went into my head but more like the graze of the bullet...
I fell on the ground and Ben kneeled next to me.
"Harry? Harry!"
His voice became softer and I think I passed out.

Ben pov:
"Harry? Harry!"
His eyes rolled back in his skull and I looked at my dad.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?"
Harry was bleeding a lot and I put my jacket under his head to prevent it of bleeding to much.
The core four ran to us.
"We heared a shot-?!" Mal said then she saw Harry.
"Oh my goblins!"
Evie pulled out her phone to call 9-1-1 and a few guards grabbed my dad, luckly and I looked at Harry.
"Come on... Stay with me alright?"
"It's a graze shot... If the ambulance is going to be here soon, he's probably gonna make it." Carlos said.
"Why the hell did your dad shoot him?" Jay said and I just couldn't react because I heared the sirens of the ambulance.
Harry wasn't reaponding as they got him into the ambulance.
They needed the space to help him so I just had to go to the hospital myself to see him.
Jay looked at me.
"But for real why did your dad shoot Harry?"
"Because we were dating..." I muttered and then I noticed that Jay and Evie were probably the only ones of the core four who didn't know.
Mal looked at me.
"Come on."
So yea we went to the hospital and all five of us had to wait in the waitingroom.
I was really worried about Harry and I was being really nervous with my hands.
Evie put a hand on my shoulder.
"He'll be okay..."
"Uhh... Guys? Adam is causign a bit of trouble..." Carlos said and he showed us his phone.
"Oh come on dad..." I muttered.
"You can stay here for Harry. We'll take care of this." Mal said and the others agreed with that.
"Thanks guys..."
"Don't be all AK on us Ben." Jay said and those four left.

Then a nurse walked to me a little while later.
"He's stable now. You can go to him." she said and I walked to him.
He definitely wasn't gonna like one thing... They shaved a little part of the back of his head so they could stich his wound...
I sat down on the chair next to him and I hesitated a bit as I took his hand.
"Thank god you're still alive..." I whispered.

Harry pov:
I slowly opened my eyes and noticed this huge headache I had... I also noticed that Ben was sitting next to me as he held my hand in his.
"Thank god you're still alive..." he whispered.
"I think we can agree on that one..." I muttered and Ben looked up.
"You're awake!"
"Not so hard..." I muttered.
I felt with my hand towards the wound and my eyes widen.
"Okay, I have a feeling I know what you think right now but-"
"They shaved my head!"
"Oh come on, it's only a little bit around the wound so they could stich it."
"They shaved my damn head!"
"So what?! Just be glad you're still alive! You were bleeding like shit and you could've died! You have no idea what it was like seeing you laying on the ground like that, knowing that you could've died because of my dad! So stop whining about your hair and be glad to be still alive!" Ben said with tears in his eyes and he closed them as the tears fell down his cheeks.
I swallowed.
"I'm sorry..."
"For what? You're the one who got shot..." Ben said and I looked at him.
"For making you worried like that and being a jerk..."
Ben looked at me and smiled softly.
"You're not a jerk... My dad is..."
"If you put it slightly..."
Ben looked at me.
"Sorry, I just blurted that out." I said quickly.
"No  you're right to be honest... He's been acting like an asshole. I mean which dad slaps his own son because he's gay?"
"Wait, is that why you had a black eye?!"
"Your dad is even worse then mine. My dad got pissed when I was dating a girl."
"Wait really?"
"I'm a southside and she was northside."
"Right... I almost thought he wanted you to be gay..."
I scoffed.
"I bet if he knew that, he also would've slapped me though... If he'd get the chance..."
"I'm still sorry about everything my dad did..."
"Maybe stop apologising for him."
"I know I just can't help it. I feel bad for all the pain he caused..."
"Well don't. Your dad caused that, not you. To be honest? You only made the pain less."
He smiled and I forced myself to sit up straight (well not straight but straight).
Ben got the hint and the two of us were just making out in the hospital, 'Cause why not?

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