6. Oh-kay...

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Ben pov:
So Harry was allowed to get out of the hospital a few days later, there was bandage on his wound which also (luckly for him) covered the shaved part.
I looked at Harry.
"How are you feeling? Y'know being outside the hospital again?"
"Well I did got the chance to get my sleep back which I missed thanks to that chip, but being free from the hospital again feels good too."
I rolled my eyes.
"Well I'm glad to hear that."
Harry kissed me and I kissed him back.
"Never getting tired of that..." I said.
"That's a promise I'm willing to make." Harry said with a smirk.
I grinned and the two of us walked to the campus.
My dad beasted out a week ago, that was also the reason why the core four didn't stay at the hospital.
"Hey Harry!" Mal said and Harry looked at her.
"Oh no... I know that look..." he muttered.
"Did I miss something?" I asked a bit confused.
Mal smirked and Harry sighed.
"I'll see you around later..."
He followed Mal and I had no idea what was going on.

Harry pov:
"Okay, what is it this time?" I asked when I looked at Mal.
"Oh sush, it's not a crazy plan of me and Evie this time."
"Then what is it?"
"Do you know what day it is tomorrow?"
Mal grinned a bit and she shole her head.
"Oh boy..."
"What? Just say it already."
"You're really a terrible boyfriend, aren't you?"
I sighed.
"Oh my... You're talking about Ben's birthday aren't you?"
"Goblins I am terrible!"
"Relax. Be glad I told you-"
"That ain't all. You have some sort of plan and I'm pretty sure that I don't want to be a part of it."
"Just hear me out."
"Because that's what you owe me for that reminder!"
"Ohw that's low."
"I can go way lower. So stop whining."
I rolled my eyes.
"Can't you annoy someone else?"
"Fineee, but you would've not know if I didn't tell you."
"Ugh fine. I'll hear you out but I'm mot making any promises!"
Oh I was definitely gonna regret that.

Okay so it was like a total worthless plan how the girls thought I should plan some sort of date for me and Ben.
Okay, sure. I should. But not like their plan. Ben has always been stuck in the big and royal BS. Why not keeping it a bit casual?

So I had a little thing prepared by the lake the next day and I just sended him a text to meet me there.
He sended that he was on his way and I just smiled by that thought.
He got there and he grinned.
"Happy birthday  Ben." I said.
So yea, we might've kissed a bit and then as he looked towards my little suprise his jaw dropped.
"Oh goblins... I should've listened to the girls..." I muttered.
"What? Not that. Look!" and he po8nted across rhe lake, we saw smoke coming from behind the forest.
"Something is on fire." Ben said.
I grabbed my phone to call 9-1-1.
"That would take too long, if there still people there, we have to help them ourselves." Ben said.
Okay, so new plan for the day I guess.
I stilled called 9-1-1 on the way and as we got there both of us went inside the burning building.
We found two dead bodies, a man and a women...
"They're already dead... We'd better get out of here..." I said.
Ben nodded but as we stood outside, a part of the house collapsed and we heared crying.
Of a freaking baby.
"That thing is in there." I said.
"Harry, AFD (auradon fire department) wil be here soon. Besides that building is collapsing."
"You were the one who wanted to help, if you do. Do it right."
And I went in again.
"Harry!" He yelled.

Okay so it was pretty hot and I probably got some burn wounds on my arms, since I was wearing a T-shirt.
Then I heared the crying again.
"Where are you then?"
I know, I know. Like a baby would say: 'Hey I'm here!'
But the crying did help and I found it, in a crib which was pretty close to the flames.
I saw the fear in those little eyes and I picked it (I had no idea if it was a girl or a boy, that thing seemed like it was just a few weeks old) up.
"It's going to be okay, I'll get us out of here..." I whispered.
Then I started coughing, I covered the little one in it's blanket to protect it from the smoke but on a way that it could breathe, for as far as possible.
Then I just tried to get out of there... And I succeeded.

Ben looked at me as I got out of there.
"You're insane!" he shouted, then he hugged me.
One of those ambulance people took the kid over and they told me to come to the hospital too to see if everything was alright, apparently I was in there for ten minutes... Too long according to them.

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