10. What the-?

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Ben pov:
Okay so we went back to Auradon and my mom looked at me.
"Is everyone alright? Where's Adam?"
"Well technically no one is hurt... But Harry's memory got erased, all he remembered of the past six months is gone... And no idea where dad is..." I said.
"Yea about that, Harry I know you probably don't remember but you claimed that Adam wasn't Adam...? Do you have any clue what you meant?" Mal asked and Harry sighed.
"No, I have no idea. But if what you say is true, it was probably someone with magic. Like Ursula or Maleficent or maybe even Fairy godmother. But the villains are dead so I have no idea."
"Why would fairy godmother do that then?" Jay asked.
"I don't know okay!" Harry said.
"Hey calm down. We'll figure it out." Harriette said and I saw that Harry got frustrated, not that I could blame him...

"First things first, we have to find Adam or who ever he is." Belle said.
"And if it's not my dad, we need to find out where my real dad is too." I said.
"First getting Harry's memory back, then he can tell us who Adam really is." Cj said.
"Good thinking Cj." Harriette said.
"But wait up, did I forget anything else which was important?" Harry asked and I looked at the ground.
Mal looked at me and then at Harry.
"Depends on your definition of important. But let's just get your memories back, that's easier. I mean I would've used magic but I can't undo a curse of someone else..." Mal said and I sighed.
"Let's just get this over with..." I said and Harry looked at me.
It looked like he wanted to ask if I was okay but he changed his mind on the last moment.

We went to Merlin the sorcerer. Maybe he knew something?
He looked at us.
"So someone was pretending to be Adam and that person erased his memories?" Merlin asked.
"Well Harry claimed that Adam wasn't Adam and someone used a spell on Harry to erase his memory so yea... That's what we expect." Evie said.
I tried to avoid Harry's gaze, it was just painfull knowing that he forgot about us being engaged...
Then Harry just walked away.
"Hey, where are you going?" Harriette asked.
"I'm going after him." I said and I did.

I saw that he stopped by the lake.
"I knew there was something, that's why you followed me. Isn't it?" Harry asked as he looked at me.
"Clever game you're playing." I said with a sly smile.
"This isn't the first time I lost part of my memory... According to my older sister, I lost my memory when I was five. Fell on a rock all my memories except who I was and about my sisters and dad, gone. I even forgot about my mom... Harriette was the only one who knew anything about her, yet she never shared..."
"So you've told me. You just assumed that your mom was dead for sure now all villains got killed... For the record it was my dad or... not him but... At least not me!"
"So I figured. You're too cute for something like that."
Then I smiled, almost the same thing as back then.
Then Harry looked at me.
"Please tell me that I didn't say that out loud...?"
"I have a better idea."
And I kissed him.
Harry looked at me and for a moment it seemed like something happend.
"Ben? What are we doing here- With her being in the damn forest- She out a bloody spell on me!"
"Wait, you mean you remember again?" I asked.
"How Maleficent shape shifted into your dad and out that stupid spell on me? Hell yea! That filthy bitch pretended to get killed but that... was your dad..." Harry said and his anger vanished as he said it.
"Maleficent... She is the reason why all the villains are gone... Like my dad...?"
"I'm sorry Ben..." Harry said and he looked behind me.
"Oh crap..."
I turned and we saw a huge purple dragon come to us.
"Is that...?" I asked.
"Maleficent, probably..." Harry said and he grabbed his sword.
Then the dragon transformed and Mal stood in front of us.
"Jeez guys relax. It's me!" Mal said.
Harry looked at her.
"Say something only Mal would know." he said.
Mal rolled her eyes.
"Really Harry?"
"Maleficent could've shape shifted into you, just do it." Harry said and Mal sighed.
"Something only I would know... Okay, everyone thought Carlos was the first person of the core four who knew you two were together but you told me exactly three days before that because you-"
"Okay, fine it's you." Harry said quickly and he put his sword away.
"Ohw come on, don't leave me hanging." I said.
"I'll tell you later, I saw by the way how you broke the curse. True loves kiss, works everytime." Mal said and Harry and I both kinda started blushing because of that coment.
"Guys focus, we really need to find and stop my mom as soon as possible." Mal said and the three of us went back to the others.

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