3. F*ck, F*ck, F*ck!

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Harry pov:
I couldn't believe that I just said that out loud to Ben!
What the hell was I thinking?!
Oh goblins...
"I'm so screwed..." I muttered.
"Why?" a voice behind me asked and I nearly got a heart attack.
"Mal! Eh... Nothing."
"I... eh..."
"Come on. What's going on?"
"It's quite a long story..."
"Well, class starts in two hours. You'd think that would be enough time?"
I sighed.
"I really won't get out of this one huh?"
So I told Mal everything from the start.

One and a half hour later...

"They killed all our parents?!" Mal asked.
"Yea..." I said.
"And that chip gives you shocks when you do evil or suspicious stuff?!"
"And you have a crush on Ben...?"
"Maybe... I don't know it slipped out."
Mal smirked.
"What?" I asked.
"From AK hater to AK lover."
"Ohw shut up."
She looked at the time.
"Half an hour left. We should probably get to class."
"Ugh... Goodness class is so boring."
Then I got a shock.
"Ohw come on!"
Mal looked at me.
"Are you alright?"
"That one was worse then before... But I'll be fine... Hopefully that stuff gets shut down soon..."
"Maybe I could..."
She looked at me with her green eyes and as I tried to tell her not to when she used her magic, I got a long shock.
"I'm so sorry..."
"When you try to get it out, you get shocked too..."
"Yea, I noticed that. I'm sorry..."
"It's fine. You only wanted to help."
"Come on, we should get going..."

As Mal and I walked over the campus, we saw Ben walking by, with a black eye.
"What happend to you?" Mal asked him.
"Oh... Nothing... Eh..." Ben acted really nervous.
He looked at me for a second and turned away.
"I have to get going." he said quickly as he hurried away.
"What was that all about?" I asked.
"I have no idea..."

A few hours earlier...

Ben pov:
So I went home after I talked to Harry.
'...a cute guy...' bolted through my head.
As I closed the door my dead looked at me.
"I know that look. What's her name?" he asked.
"I know you longer then that, come on. What's her name?" 
"I don't think it's a her..." I muttered.
My dad's expression changed and I swallowed.
"You're saying what now?"
"I... I think I'm in love with a guy..."
My mom lookee at me.
"There is nothing wrong with that dear."
I felt a bit more comfortable but my dad just slapped me.
"Adam!" My mom yelled.
"You're supposed to find a worthy girl who'd be fit to be a queen. Not joking around with a guy!"
I looked at my dad in full shock.
My mom walked to my side as she made me look at her.
"You just beated our son a black eye!" she said and my dad looked at me.
"You're not going with a guy."
I swallowed and my mom looked at me.
"It's okay..." she whispered but I knew it wasn't.
My dad made that very clear.
I grabbed my back and ran to the campus.
I needed to get to class... and to get away from my dad.

I was way too early and just walked around the campus for a bit...
I saw Harry and Mal talking and I might've stared at Harry...
After a while they walked away and I looked at the time and was on my way to class as Mal looked at me.
"What happend to you?" she asked.
"Oh... Nothing... eh..." I said nervously.
I looked at Harry for a second and turned away.
"I have to get going." I said quickly before I hurried away.

Harry pov:
It just bothered me... about Ben.
Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos sat next to each other in pairs and I sat in the back.
Mal said she'd tell Evie after school and I simply only thought about how Ben acted so nervous when Mal just asked what happened...
"Harry. Are you still with us?" Fairy godmother asked and I looked up.
"Y- yea."
"Then maybe you should make notes like the others."
I nodded and of course I didn't make notes, but I did pretend like I did.

Jay looked at me after class.
"Someone seemed a bit distracted." he said teasingly and I rolled my eyes.
"Mind your own business."
"Jeez, no need to get sassy."
"Jay, leave him alone." Mal said.
"So Mal knows too huh." Jay said with a smirk.
"Just shut up!" I said and I got shocked.
"What on earth was that?!" Evie asked, right she was the only one who didn't know.
"I'll explain that later." Mal said.
Carlos looked at me.
"It looked worse then before."
"Because it feels worse..." I muttered.
"And because it is." Ben said as he walked to us.
He looked at me.
"Remember when I said I overheared my dad talking about it? He turned the volts up with 25%... I forgot to tell you that. But I'm also working on a plan to turn all of those off."
"How?" Carlos asked.
"With a little help of you. I'm pretty sure that we can figure something out. I mean you're good with tech."
"I suppose that's true..." Carlos said.
"Hold up, what happend to your eye?" Evie asked.
"It's a long story..."
"Okay..." Mal said.
I looked at her.
"Really, he gets away with it but you made me tell you that other stuff?"
"What? We only have a fifteen minute break instead of two spare hours."
I rolled my eyes and Ben looked at Carlos.
"You have math next right?"
"Yea?" Carlos said.
"That teacher is sick so you have a spare hour just like me. Then we can work on that stuff."
"Okay." Carlos said.
"Ugh why do we need to have other classes then that guy?" Jay asked.
"Because we're seniors and he's a junior." Mal said and the three of us went to our next class.
I got shocked multiple times on the way and Evie looked at me.
"For real what is all that?"
"This is insane, I'm not even doing anything..." I muttered in pain.
"Long story short. Our parents got killed-"
"-all the VK's got electric chips and... nevermind that last thing." Mal said and Evie looked at the rest of us.
"That's were Carlos and Ben are working on now huh?"
"Let's hope so..." I said softly.

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