Oneshot- Home Is Where My Heart Is

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"I can't wait to be home!" Ibuki says to herself, as she's driving her hot pink car and blasting music. "I can't wait to see my boyfriends again! Ah, I'm so excited!" Ibuki had been gone from her home and her boyfriends for a whole week! She's a famous musician and she just did a concert. Normally her boyfriends would have gone with her, but since she was only gone for a week and not months like usual, they stayed home even though Ibuki wanted to bring them along.

Ibuki drove for ten more long minutes and finally she sees her home in the distance. The closer she gets the more excited she becomes. She quickly pulls into the long driveway and opens the garage door. Inside, she parks her car next to her boyfriend's many cars. Seriously, they have a lot. (One of her boyfriends is a millionaire...) Ibuki grabs her stuff, then locks her car and shuts the garage. She opens the front door with her keys. Ibuki can always tell this key is the house key because she put a purple heart sticker on it after mixing up the keys too many times. She steps inside the house (mansion) and locks the door behind her. She sets her stuff on the ground; she can take care of it later, right now she needs to see her boyfriends!!!

"I'M HOME!" Ibuki shouts.

No response... She tries again.

"HEY, I'M HOME!" Ibuki says. Again, nothing. Ibuki doesn't think much of it. This house is very big, so maybe they just aren't close enough to hear her.

"Ibuki guesses she should look for them." Ibuki says to herself, starting to look around the house. She starts to look through rooms where she thinks her three boyfriends may be. She looks by the pool. Nope. She looks by the movie theater. Nope. She looks in all of the kitchens, in the living room, and outside.

"Oh! I haven't checked their rooms!" Ibuki exclaims in realization. She makes her way to each of her boyfriend's individual rooms. (Yes, they each have their own room, but they mostly sleep in their one shared room.) They weren't in their individual rooms.

"Well, I guess I should check our shared room..." Ibuki says, but she was starting to lose hope that they were here.

"I guess they might be out..." She says. She still walks to their shared room just to check. When she opens the door, she immediately lets out an 'aww'.

"They're so cute!" Ibuki says. Ibuki's three boyfriends: Byakuya, Kokichi, and Kazuichi; were on the bed snuggling together! They were all sleeping peacefully.

"Good thing I didn't wake them up with all my screaming earlier." Ibuki whispers to herself. She then crawls into the bed with them. She kisses her boyfriends on the forehead and then makes herself comfortable. She falls asleep like that, with a huge smile on her face.


Please let this get a lot of votes + views + comments, because I spent a long time on this. I hope you enjoyed this! Sorry if their is any grammar mistakes, tell me and I'll fix it. I also posted this on AO3.

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