Incorrect Quotes 42

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Ibuki: Do you ever feel bugs on you when really there's nothing there?

Kokichi: Those are the ghosts of the bugs you killed before. 


Kazuichi: *sobs*

Byakuya: You f-ing scared him, you idiots.


Kokichi: Look at the buns on that guy!

Ibuki: *lying on the floor, covered in hamburger buns*

Kazuichi: This is the comedy police! The joke's too funny!

Kokichi: I'm not going back to jail!


Ibuki: Byakuya, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?

Byakuya: I don't know, love you, talk to you later

Ibuki: Okay, I love you too, I'll just ask Kokichi or Kazuichi


Byakuya, driving Ibuki, Kokichi, and Kazuichi: So, how was your day?

Ibuki: We almost got surprise adopted!

Kokichi: *nods head in agreement*

Byakuya: What?

Kazuichi: We almost got kidnapped.

Byakuya: Oh, okay.

Byakuya: *slams on the breaks* WAIT, WHAT?!


Kazuichi: Do you think different paints have different tastes?

Ibuki: They do.

Byakuya: Why do you say that with such certainty.


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