Oneshot- Ibuki's Camping Trip With Three Chaotic Boyfriends

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Inspired by an incorrect quote I did


"Yay!" Ibuki says happily. Ibuki is about to go on a camping trip with her three boyfriends; Kazuichi, Kokichi, and Byakuya. She has been planning this trip for a while, and is super excited to go. Right now she's finishing packing all of the stuff they need.

"Hey, are you coming Ibuki?!" Kazuichi yells at her from outside.

"Yeah, Ibuki's coming!" Ibuki yells back. She grabs all of her bags and runs outside. Her three boyfriends are waiting for her. They're packed stuff is already in the car.

"I'm here!" Ibuki says. Kazuichi grabs her bags and puts them in the back end of their limo. (Well technically It's Byakuya's limo, but they all share it.)

"Come on, get in!" Kokichi says after they put all of her stuff in the back.

"I'm coming!" Ibuki says. They all get in the back of the limo.

"You can leave now." Byakuya tells the driver. He's been working on getting nicer to people lately. (Ibuki thinks it's because of them.)

"So Ibuki, where are we going?" Kazuichi says. Ibuki was the one picked the location, and she hasn't told anyone where it is yet. She wanted to make it a suprise!

"It's a surprise!" Ibuki says, "But, I know that you're going to love it!"

"I hope so!" Kokichi says, "I can't wait!" Lately Kokichi has not been lying as much because he trusts them.

They spend the rest of the drive talking to each other and laughing together. When they get there, it's afternoon.

"We're here!" Ibuki yells happily. They are by the edge of some woods.

"I used to come here when I was little." Ibuki says, memories coming back into her mind.

"It looks pretty!" Kazuichi says, looking around. They unload all of there stuff from the back. Byakuya tells the driver that they will be back here tomorrow at the same time, and that's when the driver should pick them up. The driver then drives away.

"Alright, Ibuki since you forced us out here... You should lead the way." Byakuya says, clearly not happy that he's here, but tolerating it for his partner's sakes.

"Okay!" Ibuki responds. Ibuki leads the way through the woods. They leave behind a trail so they don't get lost. Eventually, they get to a nice place to set up camp at.

"I think we should stop here!" Ibuki says.

"I call making the fire!" Kokichi exclaims.

"Yeah, you are great at that." Kazuichi responds, then laughs. (Kokichi always seems to set things on fires, well, just mostly food when he tries to cook.)

"I'll set up the tent." Kazuichi says.

"I'll make the food when Kokichi gets the fire going." Ibuki says.

"I guess, I'll set up everything else..." Byakuya says to mostly himself. After a little while Kokichi gets the fire started and Ibuki starts cooking hotdogs on sticks. After Kazuichi and Byakuya are done, they help Ibuki cook the rest of the hotdogs. Kokichi doesn't help because he would definitely burn the hotdogs to a crisp by setting them on fire. Eventually the hot dogs are done cooking.

"They're done!" Ibuki says happily.

"Yes! I was getting hungry!" Kokichi responds. They each eat some hot dogs. After they're done, Ibuki takes out bags of marshmallows.

"I brought marshmallows for us!" Ibuki says. They cook the marshmallows with the sticks they used to cook the hotdogs. Ibuki made the mistake of letting Kokichi roast his own marshmallow.

"Oh fudge!" Kokichi yells when his marshmallow gets caught on fire.

"Give it to Ibuki!" Ibuki says and grabs Kokichi's stick. She then proceeds to put the marshmallow that is still on fire in her mouth. She then chews it and swallows. Ibuki then picks up her water bottle and chugs it. Kokichi, Byakuya, and Kazuichi start talking at the same time.

"Ah! Ibuki, are you okay?!" Kazuichi asks scared.

""You can't just do that!" Byakuya says, panicking.

"Why did you do that?!" Kokichi asks.

"Relax, I'm fine!" Ibuki says to calm everyone down.

"Still, you can't just do that Ibuki! You have to be careful!" Kazuichi says.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you!" Ibuki says. She feels bad, she didn't mean to make her boyfriends worry.

"It's fine just try not to ever do that again..." Byakuya says, after everyone has calmed down.

"Alright, I won't." Ibuki says. She doesn't want to panic everyone again. They stay awake for a while longer, than they all go into their shared tent and go to sleep. But of course, first they look at the beautiful stars.

Morning comes quickly, and soon all of them are awake. They eat some muffins that Ibuki packed and pack up all of their stuff. Then they all head back to where the driver dropped them off. Soon enough the driver comes and they are on their way back home.

"Well, that was fun... but I can't wait to get back to our house..." Byakuya says, glad that this is all over.

"I thought it was fun Ibuki!" Kazuichi says.

"I'm glad you guys had fun!" Ibuki says happily.

Eventually, they get to their house and unpack all of their things. Ibuki's glad that her boyfriends liked her camping trip and maybe someday they will do another camping trip. Maybe even to the same place. Everything went fairly well, and Ibuki was just glad she got to spend time with her three boyfriends.


I hope you liked this! Please comment and vote to keep me motivated! I also posted this on AO3.

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