INFO (because if I don't do this you are going to be confused)

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So, hi!!!!! Thanks for clicking this book! I have to tell you somethings before you start reading. So the only people who are going to be in this is Byakuya Togami, Kazuichi Soda, Ibuki Mioda, and Kokichi Oma. Why? Because they are my four favorites from Danganronpa, that's why. There is literally almost no other reason.

In this book they are all living in Byakuya's mansion together. Some quotes imply a ship with two of these characters, so are they all dating? Honestly, yes. So if you don't ship any of these, you don't have to read it. Please don't send me hate for liking all four of these characters in a romantic relationship together. 

Yeah, sorry if this is really confusing. Please enjoy this book! And please note that NONE OF THESE QUOTES ARE MINE. I just changed the characters in the quotes.Sorry about this rant, go enjoy the book now--

DR Incorrect Quotes (+ other things) But It's Just My 4 Fav. CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now