Ch-13 JEALOUSY!!!!

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Bright's pov
In the morning
Looking like a panda , he didn't get any sleep bcuz he was really anxious if "that brat" was with win or not.
"I couldn't get any sleep..... and I'm not even free today.....*sighs* I should msg win first"
"Good morning,win(with little hearts)"
(Good morning.... u had breakfast)
"No... not yet, what about you?!"
(Ya I'm going to have... I guess today we will not able to talk much.)
"Huh.... why... wait yes I guess so too I have a really tight schedule T.T"
( ohhh really then have a good day.... actually I have to also help out my friend today so I'll be with him)
"Such a lucky friend spending time with win.... *sad* it would be so great if we can spend time together too"
"Okay...u too have a great day.... bye"
(Yessss!! Bye have fun today)

Bright at the green room reading script

"Is this guy fin.... is he new in the industry?!" Asked to his manager
Manager- nooo he was a child actor.... it's just he's hitting his popularity little late
"Okayyy..... that's why I didn't met him till now"
Manager- ah huh.... u get ready I'm going to talk to n'fin's manager. *and then manager left the green room.

Looking at the mirror...looking into his eyes. He asked himself a question.
"Why... what's wrong with me why this eyes always see his smiling face, his laughing face and his crying face.... why I always want to see him, hug him, touch him and kiss him..."
"Have I ever thought of someone like this.... have I ever felt like this"
"Am I really in love!?!?!..... huhhh I guess I am or maybe it just I'm attracted to him because he's the only one who thinks of me before himself.. why I'm thinking of this right now*bright looks down with a giggling* *looks up again* don't think to much mind let's do our best today as usual."

"Suddenly a knock on the door"
Manager- bright I bought n'fin's manager and n'fin.... u guys should introduce yourself.
-Hiii bright it's fin's manager... Mike *showing his palm towards fin* and it's fin... hope u guys get along well
Bright looking at grumpy face of n'fin... who is looking at the side aggressively.
"Hiiii fin.... emm u are younger than me right?! So I should call you n'fin hahahah *and smiles*"
"Wth....*n'fin manger staring at him aggressively* w-what *n'fin looks at bright while pouting with anger* hi I'm fin,nice to meet you." N'fin then turned his back after talking rudely to bright.
What's wrong with this kid being so rude for nothing... huh me too boy I also don't like you... I was just being polite with you.. *grits his teeth* rude ass boy   (He's thinking all this)
"Ahahahaha manager I guess we r going to the stage soon.... Mike sir I guess we should do some touch up"
-ahhh yesss.... excuse us.. we'll see you guys at the backstage. Thank you *then Mike bow down a little and go out of the room*
*knock* *knock*
Pls stand by
Bright and fin at the backstage waiting for host to announce their arrival... suddenly a foot step coming towards them *thump* *thump* bright flinch a little then looked at the direction from where win was coming..... win running and stopped in front of them... he looked up and he saw bright!!! They made eye contact then suddenly a voice came...
Host: it's time for our guests to come... it's not one this time but two.... can anyone guess who they are??!
*everyone shouting at the stage*
Then again bright heard a soft voice saying....after hugging his friend fin then putting his hands on n'fin's shoulder.
"N'fin... do your best I'm here for you okay I'm watching you at the stage.... do your best out of best.. good luck.."win saying this with a smile cheering up on someone was so cute anyone would give their best after hearing those words.... but it was most shocking for bright..
That it was not for him
The one who was beside him was blushing after hearing those words from win
Win ran back to stage. It all took just some minute but ....
But it felt like hours... watching him hugging someone else..... cheering for someone else. While I'm just besides him made me feel miserable and....... and it broke my heart...
Host : now let's welcome bright and fin onto the stage.....
*loud noises.... cheering...shouting...whistling....clapping*
But the only thing i was hearing was the word he said to the fin.

This is not.... what I expected!!!

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