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Win's pov
His childhood
*u freak*
"Heyyyy,say something u gay aren't u hahahahaha"
(Stay away from him we gonna get infected by his virus)
Ohm: hey what the hell u guys are doing huh ?????
Fong: do u guys want to die? Why u teasing a guy?
* a guy look at him he's so smol and thin just like a girl he's so pale with pink lips what is like A guy in him*
"Yes u stupid can't see"
I was hurt it was not my fault being like a girl I wanted to hide my self they torture me every time when they see me and eventually at the end I ended up being a toy for them with whom they can play with every time but those two guy who stood  for me I was in my knees looking down all scared and crying and their voice , when I heard them protecting me. My tears couldn't stop falling, my heart was beating crazily but I felt less scared...........
Ohm: hey u jerks that calls pretty okay he's beautiful, u guys are dumb I'll report to teacher if u ever did something wrong with him again.
(U think we'll get scared bcz of this stupid threat)
Fong in the hall way
Fong: teacher........teacher there are some kids bullying a student...... teacher..
Ohm: u thought we were kidding huh?
"Hey guys run...... teacher will call our parents and u two I'll see u guys" and ran away real quick
Ohm: ahhhhh it was going to be funny when teacher comes but they ran away
Fong: hey are u alright? Look up
I was so happy that they protected me
I looked up and both of them were looking at me with smiling face saying "we should go to get ur injuries done" I was so happy that I was about to burst but I went with them with smiling face wiping my tears.

And that's how I found my true frds but...... I'm feeling so bad from hiding this thing from them...I know they will tease me and might break our friendship which I never want so I'm scared to share this with them.....

After that incident I started doing swimming and sports and ended up with good body and tall (as y'all know win is taller than bright) so now no one call me that I look like a girl but still I feel scared... and I want someone besides me to protect me so should I tell them about this???? Ahhhhhhhhhh it's so stressful I want to tell but I can't bring myself up to tell them
Should I justttt don't tell them now ......
yaaa I think it's better not to tell them right now!!!
"Bright's new drama is gonna premier soon so his company announced a fan sign for his fans."
Bright's fan sign I'm sure gonna go yeshhhh
And the fan sign is next week I'm so happy Finally I'm gonna meet him again..
I can't help but think if he remembers me or not ? Ehmmmmm
Ohhhh whatever I'm so happy
(Cutely Rolling oh his bed).

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