Ch2- First time

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Bright's pov

"First time I acted was as an child actor"
Host : I heard ur first work was a big movie and u acted as a child version of the main lead. How was that feeling were u nervous or scared?
"I'll say I was both I was nervous and scared both but at the same time I was happy too I was working hard to be an actor from my childhood and when I finally got the opportunity to be in a big movie I was so happy"
Host : I heard u came from a nice background ur mother and father both r singers and ur younger brother is in a band. So why u choose acting when u can be in a music field too?
"My parents always supported me any field I choose and I like how ppl show their emotions being someone else. Acting always makes me happy whenever I see ppl admiring me and my work I love that feeling I can't describe that in words."
Host: lastly do u want to say something to ur fans ?
" like I always say I'm so thankful for all my fans and ppl who love me and my work thank u so
Much and love u guys"
Backstage bright's green room
Manager : so next we have to go to a radio show and then there's an ad shoot that's all for today. Let's try our best and finish soon
"Manager I can't keep with all this why I have to lie *sighs* u know how much I have been through and my parents never supported me they always trying to make me a singer too and my classmates,how much fun they made of me bcz they thought I'm never gonna be a star but look now I won best actor award and I have been on #1 hottest actor from so many yrs."
Manger : look I know what u have been through but it gonna affect ur family careers and I guess some people gonna look down on u too. So stay strong at least stay strong for ur fans.
" I'm want to know if there's someone out there who understands me more than anyone else"

Win..... hey win what the hell man ?
"Huh? What happened?"
Fong: what happen to u we have been shouting ur name, where's ur mind?
Ohm: is it a girl ? Huh huh ? Win what u hiding from us I know there's someone 😏
"Guys there's no one u guys thinks alot I was thinking about our assignment today bcz I didn't hear professor clearly in the class let's go" (win thinking) *phew if they found out I'm a fanboy they gonna make fun of me*
At a restaurant
Fong to ohm : see again this guy *sighs* into his own world, let's order something
While waiting for their food and win in his own world thinking something looking out of window.

Ohm : guyssss see..... see this is a recent news this girl she's an famous idol and there's this news that she's dating the actor bright.
Win suddenly snatched ohm's phone
"What the hell r u Saying is this true?"
Ohm : it is true or not company didn't release a answer but I guess it's true they was in so many shows recently and they both r from same company. So it might be true"
" no way but if it is true than I can't do anything 😞" *mummers* *mummers* i know I can't do anything after all I'm just his fan but that felling of seeing him with anyone else besides me
Fong: what the hell r u mummering? Whatever the foods here eat it? It's my treat today.
"Okay so after the dinner let's go to bar I'm gonna treat u guys" I just want to get drunk and forget everything I hope I can
Fong,ohm : seriously today we gonna make u broke be ready . Hahahahaha hahahahaha
At the bar
Fong : ohm what happened to him why he's so
Out of the shape he was smiling at the restaurant but after seeing that news he's been sad.
Fong ohm at the same time : don't tell me ............ u like......?
Drunk win who can't understand anything
"Guys wadda hack"
"Guys I love u but I'm sad today"
" u cheaters I hate u guys *starts sobbing*
*sobs* *sobs* *sobs* I can't forget him I can see his face when I close my eyes. Why? Why I'm drunk I don't want to see him I want to just sleep I feel dizzy
Fong : huh ohm can u take him home pls I have something to do...... huh, I can't help u today so sorry.
Ohm : what the fuck fong u r leaving him with me can't u see in which condition he's rn ? Let's do this make him little bit sober anyways I don't know where he lives he never allowed us to go to his condo.
(Because there's everywhere only bright's poster and stuff)
After sobering him up a little where he can understand and stand properly
"Sorry guys i drank to much today" I feel like idiot bcz of just a news I became so miserably what's wrong with me.
Fong : no problem can u go now on ur own or we have to drop u ?
Ohm : if u want then let's go together?
"Ahhhhh no.... no it's fine I can go myself let me go to the washroom first..."
Fong : then I'm leaving u guys. Bye bye I have something to do... let's meet tomorrow in college
Ohm : then can I leave too?
"Ya sure u can leave too bye guysss" I was so emotional and embarrassed that I look down.
And win alone at a convince store
*riiiiingggggg* *riiiiingggg*
"Now who the hell calling me at 2 am ahhhhh"
"Huuhhhh ? Sister"
As nobody knows that my sister is In a famous girl group I don't want to be so called famous sister brother so I hide this identity of mine from others.
{win can we meet up today I want to talk to u something}
(Ahhh sis u sounds so drunk)
{hhhhhshhhhh t-that's why c-come fast}
Ttttttt *hang up*
"What the hell now she always call me whenever there's something wrong or she's upset"
At a big fancy restaurant
"Ahhh where's she ? This place is so big." *amaze*
"Ahhh there she is"
"Hiiiiii sis"
"What happened? Why r u so drunk"
(Huhhhh? Win they r so bad they always shouts on me)
"What what now what u did today"
(I was in a show today for our comeback and there's this girl from another group she came to me being all sweet so I was also acting sweet then suddenly she started saying "ohhh ur dress isn't it some cheap brand, u r an idol how can u wear those" but that dress mumma gave to me I wanted to beat her ass right away but I stopped bcz of our image and our company but again she started saying some stuff about my hair and makeup and started laughing. I was so angry that I shouted on her and then ceo called me and gave me such an earful ahhhhh. I'm so angry it wasn't even my mistake)
"Sister it's okay don't be sad drink some more and then let's head out I'll send u home"
"And sister I'm going to washroom wait for me"
In washroom while washing hand.
"I guess she's very upset today I'll tell her not to be and make her fav food after all she likes what I make for her" she's been through a lot I know how much she feels I was feeling so bad for her
Suddenly there's someone came next to me washing his hands too his presence I felt so warm I was just amaze when I looked at him from his shoes to his head all I can think was wow and when I saw his face

(Win saying all this but not saying all this out loud lol)

Am I seeing things
Is it really .....?................. wth bcz I drank I guess I'm seeing things ?
This can't be true .
why he's looking at me.
What should I do.............?

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