Part-9 How Cute

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Bright's pov
(Let's go back when the fan meet was announced)
Manger-"bright we gonna announce an fan meet. As your new drama is premiering soon"
*okay manger* he was so excited with the news and messaged win. Asking if he's coming or not. And win said he's coming.

Ahhhh I can't sleep tomorrow I'm finally gonna see him again. I can't waitttt I'm just so happy.

The next day
What's the time right now, I should message him(with very cheerful face).
"U sure need to have ur breakfast okayy"
"And be on time,I'll wait for u"
(Yesss and u also have ur breakfast,let's meet today bye) omgggg how cute he's
He's just so so cute. This fluff ball is just like an rabbit. The cutest human being alive I can't wait to see him.

Emmmmmm........ which one I should wear. Black or blue(thinking very hard) I need to look good today*bro u look hella hot in every outfit don't worry* he's coming I have to look most charming..!!! Should I just ask him.
Yes i guess I should ask him......
*typing* *typing*
" are u ready?"
"Pls can u help me choose my outfit,there's this two I really like which one u like."
*click* *sends*
"Black or blue"
(emmmm I like blue one.)
"Okay then ( with little hearts)
Then it's decided....... I'm gonna wear blue one. Heheh thanku for picking up an outfit for me ( giggling).
Ohhhhhh...... wait I guess I'm forgetting something.(thinking again) yessss I should also post the pic on my sns ....shit. He'll find out thennnn....bright are u an idiot!!!!! Do it fast..
*click* *done*
Phewwwww thank god I did it now he won't get suspicious.
Backstage bright's green room

While sitting with both of his hands joined,the elbows on his thighs and his palms on his mouth,thumping his legs thinking.

Why I'm so nervous. I have done this so many times so why I'm nervous this time I'm scared if I mess up something on the stage. I hope I don't.

(He's checking himself again and again in front of the mirror if he's looking good)
Manger-"bright it's the time to go up on the stage let's go!!!!"
My heart it is beating faster and faster. As I'm moving forward my heart is beating more crazily. I'm just excited to see him so why I'm nervous i have to find out something today...... that why I'm feeling this feeling towards him... the questions I was asking myself from the day I met him... why I'm having his dreams?....why I feel happy whenever I talk to him?...... Why I'm worried about him?.... and why my all pains go away whenever I look at him?....I had so many questions and .........I have to figure it out!!!

*so now the bright's coming on the stage, give him a round of applause*
I went there it was crazy. How the fans were screaming. How everyone was praising me and everyone was looking at me. Buttt why my eyes saw him only? Why when I saw him my heart said "how cute"
The way he was looking at me, the way he was staring only at me. I felt good, I felt "I'm the only one in his eyes at that right moment" I felt that I never want anyone else in his eyes I want just me and myself. I felt I want him all by myself........
I felt greedy at that movement.
And the feelings towards him.....I guess I figured it out. That.....


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