Ch8-The special one

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Win's pov

Soooo the waiting is over now!!!!!!
Everyone was in the line waiting for their chance to meet himmm.
Every step moving forward, my heart beat running more faster. It seems like I'm nervous
No..... it doesn't seems like I'm actually nervous ahhhhhhh I should calm down.
Nowwwww nowwww
Yes it's my turn ahhhhhh I'm scared just one more person.

Now it's win turn
"Hiiiiiii" bright said with his bright smile
"H-hey" win said with shattering
"Ohhhh so...... what's ur name" bright said after signing the magazine of him looking straight into his eyes.
"W-win win metawin" he was so nervous
"Well u seems familiar have I seen u somewhere" with a thinking face.
"Ya it seems like....... sorry I forgot u and don't forget to eat breakfast thanku for helping me choosing this outfit hehhe bye see you again" Again with his bright smile which kills alot of ppl while waving his hands cutely.
"O-okay byeee" anddd ya he didn't notice the *breakfastthing* cuz he's lil idiot.

Win while standing

And that one line "thank you for helping me choosing this outfit" shocked me the hell
I went towards the exit being all dazed, I was just getting off from the stage and suddenly I heard him saying the same thing to the other fans. I felt "ohhh he said this to everyone I'm not that special anyways"
I was still so happy thinking about him and that I met him again.



"Hiiii the fan meeting just ended" bright said
"Ohhhh u must be tired then ....... u should take some rest let's talk later" win said
"Nooo I want to talk moreee" bright said with crying emoji
"Nooo... no way go take rest it's gonna affect your health" win said
"Okay but I'll talk to u after rest and u didn't forget to eat food? Right?"
"Ah n-no." Bcuz win didn't had anything from the morning and he was lying but he didn't get suspicious of this again cuz he's lil idiot
"U lying.... I know just go
And have something I'm agreed with u now u have to do the same okay bye now u better not forget again...."
"Yes yes gonna eat right away bye..."
phewwwww now I have to really eat something let me search up some nice restaurant.
*waiting for the food at the restaurant*
But suddenly............
heard some footsteps coming towards him
Win looked up and ahhhh.....
"Hello p'win"

(Hmmm a new person in the story let's see who he/she is )

( Hiiiiii guysssss...... I'm really really very sorry for this much late update I thought let's just study one month I studied hard and got 95/100 in mathematics.... well it was just an luck but thankuuu so much for the wait and right after my exams I went to my hometown. My family and I wanted to stay there for just 10 days but somehow we ended up there for freaking whole month so that how I can't able to upload the story..... I'm sorry again 😭😭😭😭 but I promise I'll update every day from now to make up.... and yes tomorrow's gonna be bright side story..🤗 cuz he have a lot of things to express...thanku so so much for waiting hope u like this story ☺️)

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