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I don't know if people are still waiting for an update or not, but some stuff has happened the last couple of years.

The most important update is this: Our game master and the player of Erune have had a falling out. I don't know what happened, and Erune's player doesn't want to talk about the specifics. With over a year of no sessions being held, plus this falling out, it's safe to assume we will never finish our campaign. Thus, the book on our Lunar Champions have come to a close.

However, Erune's player and I have been wanting to make a comic for a while now and I have floated the idea of adapting what has already happened and finishing the campaign ourselves. This is just an idea and there is no certainty it will happen. If it does, I guess I'll post another update with where you can read it.

This isn't the last of me. I've got a horror/mystery book I've been writing and might end up posting it on Wattpad. It is intended for mature audiences. To peak your interest for it here's a small summary: 

One night, Jonah Hermon was visited by an angel. Weeks later, he did the unthinkable. Esther Thompson prayed for a saving grace. With the death of a family friend, she tells Jonah he's her savior.

Ciao for now.

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