Session 9

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Rufus: In the presiding darkness Rufus falls into a hole.

Game Master: Rufus strangely lands near the party. What a coincidence, definitely not magic fuckery by a weird controller guy. Nope. No fourth wall breaks. Right DM?

Erune: Hey, Rufus is here.

Lilith: Lilith stops herself when a strange shadows seems to form over her. Goddammit, Rufus. You almost squashed me.

Rufus: Yup. Also, ow.

Erune: Y'okay?

Rufus: I think so, I kinda landed on my face.

Game Master: A random tree gets sucked into the ground and covered by dirt without any reason.

Lilith: Good. Maybe the fall made you handsomer.

Erune: Maybe it fixed your crooked nose?

Rufus: It's only slightly crooked, okay?

Erune: Oh, nope, it's really crooked now.

Rufus: Snaps it into place.

Lilith: He can marvel at his broken nose later; I say we continue upon the path.

Rufus: FUCK that hurt.

Erune: Expression of pain on face as imagines how bad that must've hurt.

Game Master: Ophelia is too drunk to care as she staggers about like a baby deer. That's drunk. And has only two legs. And is human.

Lilith: Hmmr. Why must we travel with the drunk?

Rufus: Quick question who is she? Points at Ophelia.

Erune: I dunno.

Lilith: I think they're male, but their name is Ophelia. She shrugs not sure on gender, but they're drunk as fuck.

Game Master: A single turtle can be seen in the distance. There isn't a pond for miles. It slowly chews on a leaf.

Lilith: She squints her eyes. I think there is something up ahead.

Rufus: Why is there a turtle underground?

Lilith: How do you know we're underground?

Erune: We aren't underground...

Lilith: I see the sky!

Erune: And it's pretty!

Rufus: Meh,

it's okay I guess.

Erune: Goes to play with hair and discovers that it's burnt. EEEP!

Rufus: Makes sure he still has his axe.

Game Master: The pink clouds cover the entire sky. If space is out there, it's unreachable. All pink clouds yet cozily warming light.

Lilith: The sky is like cotton candy. She mutters to herself.

Erune: Cuts off all the burnt hair. It's not even. Pouts.

Game Master: The turtle slowly crawls to another leaf as it stares at the sky.

Rufus: Goes to pick up the turtle.

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