Session 10

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Lilith: Roses are red

Violets are blue

Garlic bread


Game Master: A cool breeze flows past the party from behind the gate. The town is old and full of dust. The stone is yellow and stained in strange maroon. The town ruins are lifeless, save for the strange rose bush invader.

Erune: Picks the rose.

Rufus: Bad idea.

Lilith: But are we sure it is?

Erune: Too late.

Game Master: The strand of plant vine instantly dies and falls apart into a black dust. Erune has obtained a VERY beautiful rose!

Rufus: I'm pretty sure that we shouldn't mess with the last living thing here.

Lilith: Wow, what a good idea.

It's too late now.

Game Master: The rest of the bush begins to rot, the roses fading into gray. The ruins echo the winds light sounds.

Lilith: I think we should keep moving.

Rufus: Echoes are never good.

Lilith: This place is giving me the creeps.

Rufus: Time to leave.

Erune: But—

Lilith: Lilith leads the group away.

Erune: Fineee.

Game Master: A tall yet thin tower is visibly crumbling in the corner of the ruins, a block blasts down from the top and crashes in front of the gate. It begins to snow...

Lilith: Lilith sticks her tongue out to catch some snow.

Erune: Follows suit.

Game Master: An ancient house crumbles into yellow rocks. The large wall continues to stand tall beyond all but the tower.

Lilith: Maybe we should head for the wall?

Rufus: I have a feeling that tower is important.

Erune: Clings to Rufus's arm. I'm going where he goes.

Lilith: Oh, good idea, I have seemed to read the stage directions the wrong way.

Heads for the tower.

Rufus: It's the only building still kind of in one piece.

Lilith: Yeah.

Pulls hood down lower to protect from the snow.

Game Master: The snow covers everything in a pastel like white as dark clouds cover the once pink sky with black and blue terror. The party slowly ascends.

Lilith: I'm starting to not like this...

Rufus: Yeah a shitty tower in a snowstorm.

Not a great idea.

Erune: Whimpers.

Lilith: It's the snowstorm that's upsetting me.

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