Session 2

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Erune: Smells rotting flesh because the bartender left behind some parts. Eww, what is that smell?

Game Master: The micro pigeon flock flies out the window, parting from the pile of clothes. A partially digested fly seems to have been puked up. Gross.

Lilith: Rotting flesh, it seems.

Erune: Goes over to the smell and leans over the counter. Sniffs a little bit. Eugh, there's a pile of clothes here. What...happened here...? Jumps over the counter and pokes the pile of clothes with a glass.

Lilith: Death. She smiles bearing teeth.

Game Master: The bartender stares from the top of a tree before breaking physics and entering the core of the earth. Erune discovers pockets and a few bottles of strong rum.

Erune: Rummages through the pockets and finds alcohol. I think whoever this was, stole from the place. It's not stealing if you take stolen items from the clothes of a dead person, is it? Pockets the 3 bottles of rum.

Lilith: In my personal opinion, a little girl like you shouldn't be drinking. Me, on the other hand, could use a good drink.

Game Master: A mouse jumps out of the pocket and runs up the inn stairs once the bottles exit the clothes. It's getting awfully late. At least the bottles of rum smell sweet.

Erune: Okay then, but, I want to keep one for myself just in case. Hands two bottles to Lilith.

Lilith: Takes two bottles, a greedy look in her eyes.

Game Master: Ophelia rabbles in her sleep as the mouse hides under their hand. The jingle of metal can be heard upstairs. It quickly stops though, probably just the imagination.

Erune: Rummages through the pile of clothing some more after flat-out taking the bow tie.

Lilith: She notices the noise and creeps slowly to the stairs, listening for it once more, when it doesn't sound, she goes back to the girl.

Erune: Has now put the bow tie on and is still searching the clothes.

Game Master: Erune discovers a card inside the clothes. It's aged and has visible diamond drawings on it with useless symbols faded on the edges. There's a small tear at a corner near the bottom.

Lilith: Hmm? What's that you have there?

Erune: It's a card. Flips the card over multiple times. Was this guy part of a club or somethin'?

Lilith: No club card I've ever seen.

Erune: Hm...

Game Master: The card immediately tears in Erune's hand. It vibrates, or she seems to believe it did. The flaps float slowly to the bottom, an ominous atmosphere fills the inn as a torch dims.

Erune: Eep! why does this keep happening to me?!? Tears start rolling down her cheeks.

Lilith: Lilith picks up the two pieces of the card, trying to put the card back together. It's magic. It should seal...

Game Master: Light scratching is heard outside the front door. Something's dripping from outsides as the card violently repels its ruined bodies.

Erune: Maybe we can ask someone about it later...We can keep it.

Lilith: Lilith pockets the papers.

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