Session 11

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Lilith: Let me go, you whore! I'll never eat anything you make for me!


Game Master: The woman puts Lilith into a tall seat covered in multiple spikes. She then tends to Rufus with a wet rag and sits him down in another.


Rufus: Mumbles. Fuck yourself.

Lilith: Lilith glares daggers at the woman, trying to come up with ways to escape.

Game Master: The woman puts Erune into a crude but sturdier high seat.

???: You children should appreciate all I do for you. Isn't that right Lil Lilith?

She pats the edge of Lilith's shoulder.

Rufus: Mumbles more curses in his sleep.

Lilith: Call me little again and I will bite you!

Erune: Starts shivering violently out of fear.

Game Master:

???: You'll find that you're in such a nice loving place soon dear.

She swipes Lilith's amulet, sending her into a zombie like daze.

Lilith: ...

Game Master:

The woman smiles down at Lilith and pats her head. She then smiles towards Rufus after.

???: Now be a good family and enjoy mothers breakfast. I'll be right back with a present for you!

The woman turns away and heads towards a distant room down a wide corridor.

Lilith: Lilith stares blankly at the opposing wall. ...I like my hair...

Erune: Senses come back, and she can smell the sausage on her plate. Eugh. Rids plate of sausage, throwing it under the table.

Rufus: Wakes up mumbling.

I fucking hate everything.

Lilith: That's a bad word!

Erune: Moves plate aside and bangs head on table multiple times.

Game Master: The woman is gone. There is another corridor opposite from the one she went in, taking a left turn nearby. The kitchen is bare from all but a white door and a large metal fridge. There is a window, but it has black spray paint. The walls are white, while the floor and roof are check patterned of red and white. Erune is making a mess.

Rufus: Looks for a knife or something sharp.

Lilith: Lilith giggles at Erune, though, she's barely paying attention to anything around her.

Game Master: Rufus finds a rusty spoon, a glove, and a large pickle instead of a sweet roll.

Erune: Stops banging head on table and yawns, showing her large canines. I don't like it here; it smells really bad. Tries to climb out of her chair.

Lilith: Lilith sniffs the air. It smells weird.

She grabs the fork near her and starts banging it against the table.

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