Session 14

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Game Master: Lilith sees the world where she had gone to the ruins. It's crumbled in dust, vines are already beginning to grow over it.

Lilith: She looks around once more for a different exit before stepping through.

Game Master: The room is locked down; this is probably the safest exit anyway.

Erune: Is there too.

Rufus: Walks through.

Game Master: The party is back at the ruins. A broken tower lay nearby. Fresh blood is still there, just covered in vines. Forest still spans for miles on one end. On the other, two landscapes of ice and fire.

Lilith: Lilith looks around. I think our best option is forest...

Rufus: So, forest, fire, or ice?

Last time we went into a forest we found the candy spider.

Lilith: Yeah, but we got food in the end.

Besides, I don't think I could survive the cold, or any of you could survive the heat.

Game Master: There is some fog visibly inching closer over the forest, it's white and rather thick from the looks of it. The clouds are a candy pink once more at least.

Lilith: So, Candy Land Forest?

Rufus: Sure, why not?

I love creepy fog.

Lilith: Towards the forest they go.

Game Master: The party is surrounded by peace and quiet. The trees smell pleasant, and the ground is soft. I wonder where they'll end up.

Lilith: Smells nice.

Rufus: Might not be a good thing.

Lilith: But it might be a good thing.

Game Master: Lilith and Rufus begin to find broken cobble stone remains in the dirt. They don't appear to be that old.

Lilith: Lilith picks one up to inspect it.

Rufus: Another ghost town?

Lilith: It looks newer,

If it is a ghost town, it's a new one,

Rufus: Another lizard village then?

Lilith: I hope not.

Game Master:

They see it trailing off to more and more cobble stone. Erune is dozing off and only following due to muscle memory.

Lilith: We're getting closer, it seems.

Rufus: Apparently.

Game Master:

The party continues down the path to find a cobble stone wall and gate. It looks simple enough to open with force.

Lilith: Well, get to it, brute.

Rufus: Don't call me that. Pushes the door open.

Lilith: But you are. You opened the gate, didn't you?

She walks through.

Moons and Menजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें