Session 3

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Game Master: The skull turns black save for the gem. Light begins to peak over the distant mountains, the creature must have been manipulating time. The men wake immediately and begin drinking again as the bards continue as if nothing happened. The effects of the rum start to build up in Lilith as she warms up.

Erune: Aww, it's loud again. Erune complains, covering her ears with her hands under her hood.

Lilith: Hm...we could always take out the...bards again.

Erune: If we do, I'm in this time. You should probably also hide that broken bottle before people think you're trying to rob them or something.

Game Master: The crowd is clearly too thick to swim through. They are waltzing around clearly drunk. Among the commotion, Erune's strange seed begins to sprout once more, a small root wrapping around her fingers.

Lilith: She drops the bottle, smashing the rest of it. The thingy's doing-doing it again.

Erune: Takes a deep breath to try and calm self, and then yells. WHAT IS THIS THING?!?!?!

Starts waving hand in the air, trying to get rid of it.

Lilith: I DON'T KNOW. Lilith matches the girl's voice, giggling.

Game Master: The seed latches on to her palm. Erune's attempt to break free brings it to start rooting inside her very hand. Lilith is tipsy, her coordination is dropping.

Erune: Uh...Ahhh, wh-what? It's tingly.

Lilith:, lemme help. Lilith stumbles as she tries to pull the seed out of the girl's hand. She ends up falling on her ass on the ground.

Erune: Are-are you drunk?

Game Master: The seed crystallizes its roots and cuts into Erune's palm. Strangely there isn't any pain, or much feeling. Only the rooted areas are able to feel touch, the rest of her body is shutting down. Lilith's drunk state is causing her to perceive reality as lovely and warm.

Lilith: I'm-I'm almost pos-sitive I'm durnk.

Erune: Slowly lowers self to the floor. I'm sleepy... Closes eyes and falls asleep.

Game Master: Lilith catches the strange glow from Erune's palm. The seed is burying itself and stitches the wound with its roots. Before long the seed starts making its way into her heart through the body, Lilith however has no clue what she's seeing and feels the urge to laugh.

Erune: Is now out cold.

Lilith: She laughs, unaware of how she's acting.

Erune: Lethargically breathing.

Lilith: She pats the girl's head.

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