Session 5

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Lilith: Lilith seethes in rage as she sits on the hay bale. She waits for everyone but the head lizard to leave.

Erune: The lizard children try and open the box that Erune is in, but she's holding it shut because it has a weird thing on the inside that allows her to do that.

Lilith: Mr. Lizard. You didn't give us the facts.

She walks over to him.

You clearly aren't well versed in the ways of gambling.

Game Master: The ring men act as bouncers and block Lilith.

Ledi: You bet you lost pal, go complain to someone who cares.

Lilith: I'm not complaining,

I'm helping.

Rufus: Walks toward Lilith.

Lilith: She holds up a finger to stop Rufus.

Game Master: The bouncers sit idly and wander into space. Do they have brains?

Lilith: You want to over sell them both. Don't under sell one. And talk fast. They don't care who's better. They want to be overtaken by their greed.

Gosh. I guess you could just say "Place bets now!" And everyone will.

Erune: The lizard children finally got Erune's box open and have surrounded her, poking and prodding her, trying to take her hood off, saying that it was rude, and the weather wasn't right for a hood. she resisted and kept her hood down as best she could.

Rufus: Wonders were Erune went.

Game Master: Ledi rudely ignores and scoffs at Lilith. He stuffs his pockets full of cash, the bouncers suddenly questioning life in poor clothes.

Ledi: Come talk to me when you're the one earning money, road filth.

Lilith: What did you just call me? She growls.

Erune: Sitting down on her tail, kind of painfully but to keep it hidden, she continues to keep her hood down, holding on with both hands. The hood hasn't ripped yet, but it can't take too much more of this.

Lilith: If anyone is the filth, it's you.

Rufus: Starts walking toward Lilith again.

Lilith: The magic here is all over the place. I bet 03 was tiny. But by some luck—she laughs—it was made big!

She steps closer.

You had to, had to set this fight up. Everyone knew 03 was small. But not you. You conned everyone. I don't like con artists.

Game Master: The bouncers are confused and seem surprised at Ledi. Ledi scoffs again as he enters a caged carriage. The bouncers are clearly not giving Lilith their attention anymore.

Ledi: Life's unfair missy. If it weren't, these men wouldn't guard the richest lizard in the district.

Lilith: She walks quickly towards the carriage, busting a wheel. You clearly aren't smart.

You paid bouncers with no brains. And oops. You have a broken carriage now.

Erune: Continues to get pestered by the lizard kids. She'd fight back if it didn't mean revealing her secret to a bunch of brats, and by extension an entire village, so she didn't fight.

Game Master:

Bouncers: We're supposed to get payed?

Lilith: Yes, bouncers! Your profession is a paid one!

And he's been cheating you out of money from the very start!

Rufus: Goddammit. Rufus mutters and moves to stand by Lilith.

Lilith: She whispers under her breath. Don't mess this up.

Game Master: Ledi is panicking and tries to tell the driver to pull out, realizing the driver is the bouncer behind the cart. Without another breath, they roar and tear the door open, pulling Ledi out by the neck.

Lilith: Good job, boys! Take your payment and destroy the man who kept it from you!

Game Master: Lilith feels a tingle in her stomach. The lizards slightly glow as they beat Ledi to a pulp until.

Lilith: She ignores the tingle as of right now. Her voice is calm as she addresses Rufus. Find Erune. Make sure she's safe. I'll finish up here.

Erune: The kids question why she has a bone with her and why she resists them trying to make her stop being rude. They were taught that travelers had no right to be rude and to force them to be polite and answer all their questions.

Rufus: Fine but try not to pick a fight with anyone else, remember we need work. Goes to look for Erune.

Lilith: I believe a sack of gold each is enough of a payment?

Game Master: Ledi throws his money out and crawls back inside the carriage. It suddenly hurries off, scraping against the ground as the bouncers forget the interaction and leave.

Lilith: She takes the gold, and hurries after Rufus,

Game Master: The kids get run over by a horse. Next time they'll not stand in front of a horse.

Half of them died. The other half are sitting there in horrible pain and grief.

Lilith: She takes time to notice the tingle, unsure as to what it is, but assumes it's nothing. She finds Rufus with Erune and holds up the bags of gold. I told you the under chicken always wins.

Rufus: I don't think that's usually how gambling goes but whatever, at least we've got some money now.

Lilith: It is if you're gambling with me.

Rufus: Erune, are you okay? What were you doing here anyway?

Erune: Continues to keep hood pulled down and is crying incessantly.

Lilith: Aw. Have a bag of gold. She divides up the gold among the three of them.

Game Master: 100 pure gold pieces for all.

Rufus: Sweet.

I can finally get me a decent weapon.

Lilith: She adds the gold to her pouch. Now, that lizard. He's bound to either be scared or pissed. Either way, I think we shouldn't stay here too long.

Rufus: Good idea, we need to leave now.

Erune: Th-they were so mean... Weeping. They almost ripped my hood and they kicked at me. Sniffles. I don't like it here.

Lilith: All the more reason to leave.

Rufus: Yeah parents usually don't like their kids being dead.

Erune, we need to move stand up.

Game Master: The entire town is quiet. The lizards seemingly disappeared. The kids slowly bleed out. Some will survive and live horrible lives.

Erune: Stands up slowly, clutching her bone and pulling her hood down in the middle. She's still crying.

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