Bright Side

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"What the heck did you eat, child?" Remus, Tonks, Ginny, Fred, George, and Hermione were gathered around the breakfast table, but no one was eating. Fred and George were watching Ron, who was vomiting into the sink. Mrs. Weasley was acting as if her son was on his deathbed. 

No one could eat. They were all too disgusted. Tonks had a this-is-so-gross-I-think-I-might-throw-up-myself, look on her face, and was picking at a bagel. Sneakers gave a you-better-share sort of whimper, her eyes fixed on Tonks's bagel.

The only person who was eating was Ginny. She was acting like nothing was going on around her, and had a mouthful of scrambled eggs. Tonks handed her bagel down to Sneakers, and Ginny gave the puppy some scrambled eggs.

"Can we move upstairs?" Hermione's slightly commanding voice came from the other side of the table. "Then we might actually eat something." There was a chorus of agreement from all sides, and pretty soon, they had all picked up their food and dishes and were settled in the living room.

"So, what is everyone doing today?" Ginny clapped her hands. As always, the youngest Weasley child saw everything as sunshine and rainbows. "You can raise your hand, and tell me when I call on you!"

Tonks raised her hand. So did Hermione. Ginny, always seeking the approval of the metamorphagus, immediately called on Tonks. 

"Well, today I was thinking of asking you, Ginny to walk Sneakers with me." Tonks seemed to be making up her day as she talked. 

Ginny clapped her hands and squealed. "Yay!"

"And," continued Tonks, "I was, well, thinking of chilling today." The young  Auror seemed to have a new take on life, and had a more relaxed attitude. She had turned in all her papers, and life was easier.

"I say YES to walking Sneakers!" Ginny bounced up and down in her seat excitedly. Tonks nodded her head to acknowledge the girl, as Remus had decided that his girlfriend needed to eat something, and had stuffed her mouth with a bite of toast. "Now, Hermione!" Ginny had found a stick while Tonks was talking, and used it to point at people.

"Well, I was thinking of studying, you know, I can't just download information into my head, it takes hard work. I also need to complete some homework my parents gave me. They have made it clear that I must do well on this year's O.W.L.S.!" Hermione looked as if she could ramble on forever about schoolwork, and never tire.

"Hermione, that sounds boring. Remus, your turn."

"Huh?" Remus looked thoroughly confused.

"You were shaking your hand like you were stranded on an island," said Ginny. "I don't want to deprive you of the chance to share what you would like to do today!"

"Oh, uh..." Remus had actually been slapping at a fly that was buzzing around his head, and hadn't meant for it to look like he was raising his hand. "Well, I might read more Moby Dick, It's a really good book, you know, and-" the rest of Remus's sentence was drowned out by a loud, clearly staged, yawn from Tonks.

"Remus, you  need to spend time with actual people!" Tonks rolled her eyes.

"Yes, but I love dear Moby," said Remus.

"Actual  people." Tonks gave an exaggerated sigh.

"Okay," said Ginny, trying to break up what might turn into an argument. "Anyone else?" No one raised their hands.

Remus went up to his room as soon as he'd finished eating, and flipped open Moby Dick. He read to his heart's content. Well, until Tonks barged in. "Remus! What did I tell you?"

"Sorry, Tonks, but I need some reading time!"

"You read nearly all night, when I passed your room your light was still  on!"

Remus threw his hands up into the air. "Look, it would be nice to just finish a book, is all!"

"I want you to get your sleep too." Tonks sat down on the edge of Remus's bed. She took the book from him, and flipped to a random page. Her eyes moved across page 45, drinking in the words. She then slammed it shut. "Remus, this stuff is boring!"

"No it isn't!" Remus snatched it back. 

"Look, come walk Sneakers with me and Ginny. George is joining us, he wanted to try out some old roller skates. It might be fun! Also, if I ever see that stupid book in your hands again, I will throw it into the fireplace without a second thought. I hate that thing." Tonks looked like she was planning to chuck the book out the window. Remus held it protectively against his chest. "Okay, fine, I won't really do it. I'm just trying to make my point. Now, please, come along?"

"Fine," sighed Remus. He set the book down on his bed, but then seemed to think better of it, and locked it in a safe under his bed. Tonks was watching him, her mouth open slightly, and a what-the-heck-are-you-doing, look on her face. "I need to keep it safe," explained Remus. Tonks shook her head and wearily watched as Remus locked the safe and stowed it back in its hiding spot.

"Just come on." Tonks led the way out of the house. Fred was roller-skating on legs that looked like jelly.

"Really... Really shaky here!" Fred lurched forward, and gripped the fence surrounding the front yard for support. "But I'm getting the hang of it!"

Ginny came running out of the house, Sneakers on a leash. "You idiot! Why are you trying to skate here? It's like you have a death wish or something. You're going to fall and break open your skull. Mum's gonna be mad! And I'll get your room. But also, why are you trying to skate here?" Ginny looked around, puzzled, as she couldn't figure out for all she was worth why her brother would choose to roller-skate in the front yard. And looking around,  one could tell what she meant. Dead grass grew in clumps in the dirt, which was so dusty that it blew away at the faintest breeze. The ground was lumpy, and not at all ideal for roller-skating.

Fred's cheeks reddened. "Oh, um, I..." the boy trailed off. "Maybe this isn't the best decision."

Tonks was trying to conceal her amusement, and Ginny was smirking, satisfied that she was right. Ginny rarely was when it came to her siblings. Even Remus was smiling a bit. "Come on, Fred," the werewolf said. "Let's go."

Once they hit the sidewalk, Fred really sped up. Sneakers trotted along, a little doggy grin on her face. Tonks and Ginny were joking around, bringing up the rear. Remus plodded along in the middle, keeping an eye on Fred and steadying him whenever he fell. A steep hill was in front of them, and Fred seemed to disappear. "I can't stoooooooooooooooooooooooooop!" Fred gave a cry of despair. "I'm gonna dieeeee! Oh, God, please give me another day! Or fifty years!" Fred quickly accelerated, and gave more cries of fright. "Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Remus!"

"Uh, Tonks?" Remus turned back to the two girls. 

"Yeah?" Tonks had stopped to pull out a few bone-shaped treats from her pocket and hand them to Ginny to feed to Sneakers.

"We lost Fred." Remus pointed to the quickly disappearing Fred in the distance.

"Oh my God!" gasped Tonks. "Freddie, we're coming to save you!" 

Sneakers, who had caught sight of Fred, gave an excited bark, and after wolfing down her treats, raced off after him. "Sneakers! Stop!" Ginny cried.

"Think we'll get in trouble for killing two of Molly's kids?" whispered Remus to Tonks.

"Yes!" Tonks raced off after the quickly departing Weasley children.

"Sneakers! Stop!" Sneakers was dragging a terrified Ginny behind her. Ginny's face was as white as a sheet. "I don't think we can be friends anymore, Sneakers!"


"Oh, well, at least it'll break his fall," muttered Remus under his breath. Tonks glared at him.

"What?" Remus shrugged. "Looking on the bright side."

Just The Way You Are: A Ronks StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang