The Many Talents of Hermione, Tonks, and Ginny

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Pastrami was chasing a squirrel around the yard. She ran lightly over Richard's head and leaped off of it, smashing her shoulder into the ground. She paid no mind to that fact, and focused on catching the squirrel. There was twelve days until Christmas, meaning that most of the squirrels were hibernating. The one she was chasing must have come out of hiding for a snack. It leaped over the fence and raced into Old Gold's yard, where it climbed a massive willow tree and disappeared into a hole in the trunk, leaving Pastrami panting and frantically trying to dig under the fence. 

Tonks came out to dress up the puppy in holiday attire, an exciting fashion adventure for both of them.

"Come on, Pastrami," Tonks gently scooped her up and carried her inside, crunching through the snow on the ground. "You're going to be a reindeer! Also... look what I bought!" Tonks held up a mug with a Pastrami head on it. In the picture, she was wearing a Santa hat. Pastrami barked at herself. "It's you!" gleefully, Tonks set Pastrami on the counter and put the mug in the cabinet.

Remus strolled in, humming "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and pausing occasionally to take a sip from a mug, which said Mr. Grinch

"Do you want me to get you one?" asked Tonks. "I can if you want."

"Get me what?" Remus paused mid-song.

"A mug with your head on it. Like Pastrami." Tonks pulled it out of the cabinet and showed it off to Remus.

"Ah, like the cookies you made with my head on it, and then ate my head? Yeah, no thanks."

"No, but this is different!" said Tonks, ready to defend her mug idea.

"How's it different?"

"'Cause this time I'm drinking your brains."

Remus shook his head.

"On the first day of Christmas, my ex-wife dumped me. For drinking too much brandyyyyy!" Siriug sang while he baked cookies.

"Keep the songs appropriate," said Remus, who was drinking out of his Mr. Grinch mug again.

"Says the guy who taught me that," snorted Sirius.

"When I was younger, I wasn't the best role model," said Remus. "Also I drank tea, not coffee. Now I drink strong, black coffee. Smokey snuck a taste and ended up with the surprise of his life. He thought it was... well, I don't know what he thought it was, but he wasn't expecting that."

"On the second day of  Christmas, my mother gave to me, two hard  spankings, and my ex- wife du-u-u-mped meeeee!" Sirius burst into song again.

"Wait, sing that again," said Tonks, racing into the kitchen. "I wanna learn that!"

"Okay," said Sirius, agreeable. "Here goes!

"On the first day of Christmas, my ex-wife dumped me. For drinking too much brandyyyyy!

"On the second day of Christmas my mother gave to me, two hard spankings, and my ex-wife du-u-u-mped meeeee!"

"Wait, wait wait," Remus stopped Sirius. "Why did your mother give you two hard spankings? You changed the words!"

"Look, I forgot over many moons. Now, quiet. Let me finish." Sirius cleared his throat. "On the third day of Christmas my brother gave to meeee

"Three singing corpses 

"Two hard spankings

"And my ex wi-ife du-u-u-mped meeeee!

"On the fourth day of Christmas my house elf gave to meee

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