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Above: Watch Ruby's monster video on Bandlab. The link is in my stream, you might want to scroll down a bit, though:) Hope you like it!!!

Tonks found a few skateboards, and chose the sturdiest. Sirius had apparently decided that he was young again, and had grabbed one too.

"Watch and learn, Nymph." Sirius confidently stepped onto his board, which promptly slid out from under him and landed him hard on his backside, on the moving board. Sirius crashed through the screen door, (He had been demonstrating in the living room,) and after mowing down some weeds, he crashed into the fence. "That was a demonstration of what not to do."

"Riiight," said Tonks. 

"Right," repeated Sirius. "Now let me show you  how to this the right way."

Tonks watched him. "What're you going to do about the screen?"

Sirius waved his hand casually, as if he could slide the torn screen out of his mind. "Yeah, I'm not going to worry about that."

"Okay." Tonks bounced on her toes. "Now, get on with it, so I can try."

Rolling his eyes, Sirius firmly planted his skateboard on the floor, and cautiously placed one foot on it. Pushing off with his other one, he managed to glide over to where Tonks was standing, just inside the remains of the screen door, and when he reached her, he grabbed a torn bit of screen, which fell away from the doorframe, causing him to slide back to the fence, and fall into the bushes.

"That was terrible," said Tonks, who was acting as a skateboard critic. "Let me try."

"Fine," grumbled Sirius. "But that's the best skateboard example you'll get in your lifetime. Do you know how many people can do exactly that?"

"None of them are that stupid," was Tonks's comment. "Now move, or I'll run you over."

Sputtering with anger, Sirius stepped aside, pounding the grass with his shoes, and leaving two wheel tracks as he dragged his skateboard with him. Tonks slid across  the wet grass, but stopped when she saw a flash of yellow on the other side of the fence. 

"Hey, it's that maniacal and demented humanlike golden retriever!" Tonks pointed at the furry figure emerging from the bushes. It scratched at the dirt by the fence, and slipped under, meeting Tonks and Sirius on the other side.

"Yo," said Old Gold.

"'Yo' to you too!" said Tonks cheerfully.

"Hi, creepy golden retriever," Sirius greeted the dog.

"'Sup?" asked Old Gold.

"I found Sirius's M&M bags!" Tonks was simply radiant.

"You found what?"

"I found what?" Tonks gave Sirius an apologetic smile.

"I want M&Ms, you guys," said   Old Gold.

 "I'll get you some," offered Tonks.

"You the best!" Old Gold held up his paw for a high-five.

Author's note: I'm going through lizard withdrawal. *sob* You know the lizards I mentioned earlier? I released them so that they  could be happy and in a better place. I told my teacher that, and he was probably confused, but didn't say anything. I named one after him. It was Churro Storch. Well, my teacher's first name isn't Churro, but the 'Churro' part comes from my friend's cat. The other one is named Avalon, after the Isle of Apples.

Tonks slapped his paw. "I feel like I'm connecting with you, finally!"

"I feel odd. I feel like I care about someone. I'm not used to feeling this way. HELP!!!" Old Gold ran wildly in circles. "Am I in love?"

"Sorry, she's taken," smirked Sirius.

"Are you married?" asked Old Gold, his brown eyes filled with interest, studying Tonks and Sirius like they were items in a museum that he had never seen before. Tonks glared at Sirius, and punched him in the arm. Old Gold felt jealous that they had fingers and he didn't. They also had eyebrows. And special brushes just for their teeth. And their fur-on-their-heads. Which might be called hair.

"No, but I have a boyfriend," mumbled Tonks. "His name is Remus, remember him?"

"Oh yeah, bubble wrap guy?"

"I hate to say it, but that's him."

"And this is where I leave," said Old Gold, squeezing back under the fence.

"Nice guy, isn't he?" asked Tonks.

"Yeah. 'Bubble wrap guy'." Sirius snickered. "I'm gonna tell that one to Remus!"

"Sirius, wait." Tonks chased after him. "Why can Old Gold come over to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. He's not an order member."

Sirius frowed. "That is strange. You know, I never thought about it. Like, how does he know we're even here? How does he know the house is here? My world, it's falling apart!" Sirius was frantic. "Am I still here? Am I still alive? I'm still alive, I'm not in jail!"

"Look, we'll just have to..." Tonks searched her brain for what they would have to do. "We'll, um..." Inspiration hit. "We'll SPY!!!"

"Yeah, we can follow the dog to where he's going, and figure out maybe, why he talks, or, how he knew we were here. And, we might be able to find out why Richard was able to get in too! You're a genius, Nymph!"

"It's what I am." Tonks grinned.

in the house next door, Old Gold put on some cool shades and decided to recline in front  of the TV. Nothing but cartoons were on, so he decided to practice some opera, not knowing that Tonks and Sirius were making their way into Number Twelve, and getting ready for their spying mission. 

"Let's keep this a secret from Remus," whispered Tonks. 

"Right," Sirius hissed back. "The coast is clear. Dress all in black, and meet me on the porch at six. BE THERE, OR ELSE!"

"Okey dokey," said Tonks, racing up to her room, and grabbing a bag of Sirius's M&Ms. She had practically moved in with Remus, who was a bit confused about how she had invaded his personal space.

After meeting on the porch, the two snuck across Old Gold's yard, and waited in the bushes for something to happen. The sound of opera drifted through the air, a perfect melody.

"Wow. Hittin' those high notes," remarked Tonks.  "He's good. M&M?"

"He really is. And, sure." Sirius held out his hands, and Tonks poured some M&Ms into them.

"I'm scared," whispered Tonks.

Sirius hesitated. "Me too." I wonder what'll happen."

Just The Way You Are: A Ronks StoryWhere stories live. Discover now