I'll Fix It

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Above: The link to the version of Never Enough I made will be posted in my stream! Please listen!

After returning to Grimmauld Place, and bribing Fred with chocolate so he wouldn't tell his mother about the events of their walk, Remus went back to Moby Dick.

"That stupid thing again?" Tonks came in.

"Okay, how do you turn up whenever I'm reading about dear Moby?" Remus sighed, looking up from his book to face his girlfriend.

Tonks shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it's because... you never put that thing down?"

"Of course I do!"

"I'll make a deal with you." Tonks leaned against the dresser, balancing first on one leg than the other. Remus could see a few Band-aids plastered onto her legs from their earlier expedition. "You survive without that," Tonks waved her hand disgustedly at the book, " for two days, and I'll leave you alone. Deal?"

"Deal." Remus shook hands with Tonks. He shoved the book back into his safe. "Wait, what do you want from me if you win?"

"Me and Sirius get to have a sleepover and pajama party with snacks in your room, if you lose. It's a very reasonable request. Oh, and you provide the snacks. I'll give you a grocery list." Tonks gave Remus her I'm-such-an-angel,-aren't-I-? look.

"Yeah, sure. I can survive without a dumb book for two days." Remus rolled his eyes. "My life doesn't depend on a book!"

"We'll see." Tonks grinned. "Also, I'm spending the next two nights in your room, just in case you get any bright ideas when no one's watching."

"No way!" protested Remus.

"Or I can take your book. One or the other."

Remus sighed, and after a moment of thinking, he reached under his bed, and handed his safe to Tonks.

"Oof!" the safe poked Tonks in the stomach, and staggering under the weight of it, she tottered out the room. "Goodbye," she added to Remus.

"Bye bye." Remus sighed, and then asked, "Wait, what am I supposed to read?" Tonks didn't answer, but a few seconds later, a book titled, Top 100 Cutest Things to Crochet . "This is what you read?" Remus snarled. 

"No," yelled Tonks from down the hall. "It's my mum's book. Except she had a major garage sale, and I bought a few books to cut into tiny pieces to express my anger and frustration for knitting, sewing, and crocheting. I've got about six more for you to read once you're done with that."

Remus flung the book against the wall as hard as he could. It was going to be a very long two days.

He had to make it the rest of that day, and then the next day, and half of the day after that. How hard could it be? Very hard, he found out.

The next morning, Remus felt someone shove him aside, take his pillow, give a soft sigh, and snuggle into him. Rolling over, Remus found it was Tonks. "Go back to bed," he whispered.

"I am in bed." Tonks gave Remus her angel look.

"Go back to your  bed." Remus tried to sound commanding.

"No." Tonks settled into the mess of blankets and closed her eyes. Shaking his head, Remus snatched the pillow out from under Tonks's head, and placed it under his own. He loved Tonks, but couldn't see why she had to wake him up at five in the morning. "Ow!" whimpered Tonks. 

"Sorry, Angel, but this is my pillow." Remus rolled over and closed his eyes. Tonks cuddled against his back, and within a few minutes, Remus could hear her slow breaths. Chuckling, the werewolf gently placed the pillow back under Tonks's head. Sneakers ran in, and with her collar jingling, jumped onto the bed. She curled up on top of Remus's feet, and gave a doggy sigh.

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