Chapter 3

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A few weeks later

Cinder other face tattoo was done as her wolf form was in heat while she had changed her clothes to black tights and a black sports bra so she can try and show off some tattoos while she had sent a few junior members out to burn the saints land down to the ground as she grinned a bit wondering what the saints will do next While she then sent a few more junior members to guard Matt while cinder still needed the senior members for something else while then Donnie drives in cinder black Lamborghini Aventador while she kept mearo monster truck for her big plan While she sent a more junior members to get the weapon shipment As she found out that mearo had turned to the saints for help to get his gang back as he had changed his deal to 50/50 which the saints accept but mearo won't forgive them for Jessica death and the leader of the saints won't forgive Mearo about Carlos

A few hours later

Some of the Jr's came back from destroying some of the Saints land and some of the Ronin and son's of sambie land as destroying the land made it easier for the brotherhood to take over it while cinder started to feel like adding more protection to the shipment but to do that she needs to get the rest of the brotherhood members out of jail so she left Spyro in charge for a moment as she gets in her car and drive to the ultor tower to see if she can make a agreement with Dane vogla or her brother

At the ultor tower

Cinder walks right in pass the front desk towards the elevator going to the top floor as a desk clerk informs death star and Dane vogla about cinder coming up to them without authorisation when cinder gets to the top floor she kicks the door down as she storm's up stairs straight to the desk as death star was shocked of cinder apprence as Dane says to death Star so this is your sister before death star could speak cinder says yes I am now I'm not here to visit I'm here for one thing your going to get the rest of the brotherhood members out of jail so I can destroy the saints and take Stillwater from them Dane replies I can't do that miss eclipse she grabs Dane by the throat chocking him and breaking a window dangling him out of it as she says it would be a shame if I drop you now wouldn't death star and Dane says at the same time ok we will release the rest of the members cinders says fantastic she drops Dane on the floor as she left while death star attend to Dane vogla

At the brotherhood hide out

Cinder returns as the members are resting while cinder walks in going up to her room as she shuts her door as she sits on the bed thinking into she heard something as she closed her eyes for a bit not knowing she has dozed off for a nap

In her dream (sort of 🍋)

She sits up on her bed and looks up from where she is seated seen a Olive Green man with long dark red hair and Goldy eyes and wearing armour and amour boots and a gold crown like headdress as she says sounding oddly calm about him been in her room how did you get in Here the man replies I have ways little princess I have ways cinder blushes a bit while he walks over to her and kisses her as she oddly kisses back while they starts making out a bit while they starts to take each other clothes off as she warps her legs around his waist as he holds her while they make out

End of dream

Cinder jolts awake from that wired dream as she has had it a few times as she then heard someone screaming in agony as cinder runs out to see who it is seen its matt as she runs to him while Spyro sets him down while she says who did this to him Spyro replies saints cinder growls as she attends to Matt giving him some pain killers to ease his pain which works as she looks at his wrist seen the burn and how bad it is as she cleans it out and warps it up in a bandage while Matt passed out as cinder says he won't be able to play the guitar again but I'm not sure about tattooing yet Spyro nodes feeling bad for matt as Spyro picks him up taking to his room as Spyro dose that he gose to his own room to rest while cinder gose to watch the night sky wondering if there will be a sign that one day she will let the brotherhood rule Stillwater and wondering who is her mate she secretly didn't want it to be Mearo since beacuse of her take over with the brotherhood and him losing Jessica the way he did

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